Filippinerne, Michel 466+, Brev
1953. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Fine cover to United Nations, USA with pair 20 CENTAVOS vulcan Mayon and 50 C Junior Chamber International cancelled MANILA MAY 24 1953. Sender UNITED NATIONS PADRE FAURA, MANILA, PHILIPPINES. Interesting United Nations postal history.
Cuba, Michel 158, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1947. CUBA. Very rare TARJETA POSTAL postcard (Motive Hitler greeting the Spanish leader) adressed to Excmo. Sr. Trygve Lie, Secretario General de la O.N.U. Lake Success, New York dated Agosto, septiembre de 1947. The text mention: Espana es un mar de sangre. Un refugio de nazis y fascistas. Spain is a sea of blood. A refuge from Nazis and fascists. Franking 1 C cigar-industry cancelled SANTIAGO DE AVILA SEP 24 47. Sender cancel COMITE EJECUTIVO. Very unusual and interesting early United Nations history card.
Chile, Michel 367+, Brev
19520. CHILE. Interesting cover (tear) to United Nations, Lake Success in USA with 60 C animals - GUILLIN - LUTRA HUIDOBRIA. Interesting early United Nations postal history.
Chile, Michel 210+, Brev
1952. CHILE. Fine small AIRMAIL cover to Division de Radio, United Nations, Lake Success in USA with 10 + 20 + 50 C + 3 PESOS CORREO AEREO cancelled reverse FLUSHING N.Y. JAN 15 1952 BUILD YOUR FUTURE WISELY SAFELY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS. Interesting early United Nations postal history.
Israel, Michel 16, Brev
1949. ISRAEL. 20 pr. Flag on cover together with US 5 c TOWARDS UNITED NATIONS cancelled UNITED NATIONS MAY 11 1949. The day ISRAEL ADMITTED TO UNITED NATIONS as the 59TH MEMBER. Rare combination and celebration.
Australien, Michel 148+, Brev
1950. AUSTRALIA. 6 D KOOKA BURRA + 1/- LYREBIRD on cover from MELBOURNE 12 DE 50 to Social Welfare Training Section, Technical Assistance Administration, United Nations, LAKE SUCCESS N.Y. USA. Interesting piece of UN history.
Australien, Michel 185, Brev
1950. AUSTRALIA. 1/6 HERMES on cover from SYDNEY 29 JLY 1950 to Migration Section,, United Nations, LAKE SUCCESS N.Y. USA. Interesting piece of UN history.
Australien, Michel 185, Brev
1950. AUSTRALIA. 1/6 HERMES on cover from SYDNEY 10 OCT 1950 to Recruitment Section,, United Nations Organisaton, N.Y. USA. Interesting piece of UN history.
Australien, Michel 185, Brev
1951. AUSTRALIA. 1/6 HERMES on cover from SYDNEY 10 OCT 1951 to Department of Public Information, Office of Ass. Sec. General, Secretaria, Lake Success, USA. Interesting piece of UN history.
Norge, Michel 328, Brev
1947. NORGE. 40 øre Posten 300 years on cover to Educational Services Section, Department of Public Information, United Nations, Lake Success, New York, USA cancelled OSLO 20.8.47. Very interesting early and unusual United Nations cover from Norway.
Norge, Michel 328, Brev
1947. NORGE. 40 øre Posten 300 years on cover to USA cancelled OSLO 17 10 47.
Indien, Stemplet helsag
1951. INDIA. Envelope TWO ANNAS + 2 As + 1 R to Recruitment Section, Bureau of Personnel, Unuied Nations, New York (USA). Interesting early united nation postal history.
Michel 202+
Indien, Brev
1951. INDIA. 1 Re VICTORY TOWER + 2 ex 6 As Gol + 6 Ps on REGISTERED cover from Capt. S.R. Shah, Mysore Forces, Bangalore, India to The Recruitment Section, Bureau of Personnel, United Nations, New York. USA. Interesting early united nation postal history. Cancelled SMOOLAY 14 JUN 51 + at arrival in NEW YORK.
Michel 202+
Indien, Brev
1951. INDIA. 1 Re VICTORY TOWER + 8 As AIR MAIL cover to The Personnel Officer, U.N.C. Lake Success, New York, USA. Interesting early united nation postal history. Cancelled CAI FGN POST 4 AUG 1951 + with cross with several lines. Unusual.
Michel 202+
Indien, Stemplet helsag
1948. INDIA. Envelope GEORG VI ONE AND A HALF ANNAS + 4 ex 4 As + ½ A from CONNAUG 16 APR 49 to World Health Organisation, New York, USA. Interesting early united nation postal history.
Michel 174+
Indien, Stemplet helsag
1948. INDIA. Envelope GEORG VI ONE AND A HALF ANNAS + 6 AS + 1 R REGISTERED from LUCKNIWG 8 APR 48 to the Secretary-General The United Nations Lake Success, USA. Interesting early united nation postal history. Arrival cancel GREAT NECK N.Y. UNITED NATIONA, LAKE SUCCESS APR 15 1948 reverse.
Michel 158+
Hong Kong, Michel 158+, Brev
1947. HONGKONG. GEORG VI. TWO DOLLARS + THIRTY CENTS + FIFTY CENTS on AIR MAIL cover to USA. Cancelled HONG KONG KOWLOON HONG KONG 8 JY 47. Beautiful air mail cover. Sender L. Wiant, UNRRA-BSU, SHANGHAI. CHINA. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). Over 1.000 international relief experts and administrators came to China in a relatively short historical period from 1944 to 1947. This cover is from one of them, Interesting cover.
Western Samoa, Michel 81+, Brev
1947. WESTERN SAMOA. Village motives 7 stamps on cover cancelled 7. aug 47. Send to Department of Trusteeship, United Nations, Lake Success, New York. Unusual destination.
1957. UNITED NATIONS. Miniature sheet with imperforated 4-block UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION - UNO - ONU. Drawn by H. UHLATZ.
1952. UNITED NATIONS. FIGHTING FRENCH. United Nations Poster Stamp Series No. 1 Dedicated to THE SPIRIT OF JOAN ARC WILL CONQUER. Sponsored by the UNITED NATIONS CENTERS UNC, NY. Never hinged.
1952. UNITED NATIONS. FIGHTING FRENCH. United Nations Poster Stamp Series No. 1 Dedicated to THE SPIRIT OF JOAN ARC WILL CONQUER. Sponsored by the UNITED NATIONS CENTERS UNC, NY. Never hinged.