1900. ETAT INDEPENDANT DU CONGO 15 Cent. CARTE POSTALE cancelled in greenblue-ish COQUILHATVILLE 12 NOVE 00 + LEOPOLDVILLE 18 NOVE 00 to the small village Bjuf (Bjuv) in Sweden. COQUILHATVILLE were grounded in 1883 of the explorer Henry Morton Stanley. Transit cancel SASSNITZ-TRELLEBORG 141 A 13.12.00. Unusual destination and unusual cancels.
1943. SVERIGE 10 + 50 öre LUFTPOST on cover from STOCKHOLM 25. 9. 43 FRIVILLIGA FÖRSVARETS DAG. to Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Arrival cancel VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN 7.X.43. Interesting small cover with German censor cancels and label reverse.
1949. ISRAEL. Second New Year 10 Pr. with tab BISECTED on cover cancelled 17 11 1949 BEER YAAQOV on cover with early pictures from BEER YAAQOV. Very rare cover.
1942. Chr. X. 15 Øre gelbgrün + 15 Øre gelbgrün Kehrdruck aus Markenheftchenbogen.Kompletter Markenheftchenbogen. Marginal nr. H 750. Sehr Selten. Auflage nur 50 Bogen.