Featured JF-items

Finland, cancelled postal stationay
1876. FINLAND. POSTKORT (till ort utom Finland) 16 PENNI 16 from Helsingfors to Modena and returned again via Russia. Manuscript: Non cliente, Rebut. Several cancels including FINSKA JERNVÄGENS POSTKUPE EXPED 38 No 5 29-30 1876, ST. PETERSBURG and other russian cancels. Very rare destination. A historical card.

Russia, Michel 67B, Mint never hinged
1917. RUSSIA. 5 KOP imperforated with very wide margins, never hinged.

Russia, Michel 64, Cancelled
1912. RUSSIA. 2 KOP perforated in impressive 4-block with extra printed paper in between (loose perforation) cancelled in Finland: ÅS 5. 1. 12. Very unusual block.

Russia, Cancelled
1922. RUSSIA. 15 KOP imperforated overprinted 100 R in impressive 8 block (folds). Interesting block.
michel 206B

Russia, Michel 75B, Mint never hinged, Hinged
1917. RUSSIA. 50 KOP imperforated in beautiful 3-stripe with margin. 2 stamps never hinged and one stamp hinged.

Russia, Michel 72A, Mint never hinged
1908. RUSSIA. 20 KOP perforated with variety: extra line at bottom+ partly missing print, hinged.

Russia, Michel 76B, Hinged
1917. RUSSIA. 70 KOP imperforated with very wide margin at right, hinged.

Russia, Michel 63B, Mint never hinged
1917. RUSSIA. 1 KOP imperforated, never hinged.

Russia, Michel 65B, Mint never hinged
1917. RUSSIA. 3 KOP imperforated, never hinged.

Russia, cancelled postal stationay
1886. RUSSIAN 3 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Max Tanninen, Stampdealer in Helsingfors cancelled MITAU 23 IX 1884. ST PETERSBURG transit cancel + arrival box cancel ANK 8 10.

Russia, Michel 68+, Cover
1916. RUSSIA. Fine small registered censored cover (Moscou No 539) to Landskrona with pair 7 and 2 ex 3 KOP cancelled MOSKVA 20.9.16 + at arrival in Sweden STOCKHOLM 11.10.16. Russian censor cancel No 235.

Russia, Michel 68+, Cover
1916. RUSSIA. Registered censored cover (Moscou No 541) to Landskrona with pairs 7 and 3 KOP cancelled MOSKVA 23.9.16 + at arrival in Sweden STOCKHOLM 16.10.16. Russian censor cancel No 57.

Russia, Cover
1887. RUSSIA. 2 KOP PERF 14½:15 WITH RARE SHIP CANCEL used in Sweden: FR. RYSSLAND. This cancel was used in Västervik 1887 - 1891.
Michel 30A

Russia, Cover
1887. RUSSIA. 2 KOP PERF 14½:15 WITH RARE SHIP CANCEL used in Sweden: FR. RYSSLAND. This cancel was used in Västervik 1887 - 1891.
Michel 30A

Russia, Cancelled
1858. RUSSIA. 5 KOP VERTICAL LAID PAPER. Missing corner perf.

Russia, Cancelled
1889-1904. RUSSIA. 3 RUB 50 KOP with vertically laid paper.
Michel 55y