Krig & fred

Finland, Brev
1943. FINLAND. Very impressive censored fieldpost cover with soldier motive to Gnesta, Sverige cancelled KENTTÄPOSTI 8.III.43. Censor tape TARKASTETTU GRANSKAT and censor cancel TARKASTETTU GRANSKAT 72. In addition Swedish cancel FÄLTPOST F. Sender: Svensk frivillig 30632 Rödseth, KPK 1/7605 Suomi. Unusual cover with soldier motive from a Swedish volonteer.

Cuba, Stemplet helsag
1939. CUBA. TARJETA POSTAL UN CENTAVO to Steamer Point, Aden, Arabia dated reverse Le Havane, le 27 novembre, 1939 and cancelled HABANA CUBA 27 11 1939. Very early WW2 censor cancel PASSED BY CENSOR No 5 ADEN. Unusual early censor cancel and Aden is a rare destination.

Tyskland, Dokument
1944. DEUTSCHES REICH. DEUTSCHES REICH ARBEITSBUCH FÜR AUSLÄNDER. Herkunftland: besetzte Ostgebiete. Volkszugehörigkeit: UKRAINE. Heimatanschrift: Kokoba. Arbeitsamt Düsseldorf 30. Oktober 1944. INVALIDENVERSICHERUNG Quittungskarte included.

Rusland, Michel 68+, Brev
1916. RUSSIA. Fine small registered censored cover (Moscou No 539) to Landskrona with pair 7 and 2 ex 3 KOP cancelled MOSKVA 20.9.16 + at arrival in Sweden STOCKHOLM 11.10.16. Russian censor cancel No 235.

Rusland, Michel 68+, Brev
1916. RUSSIA. Registered censored cover (Moscou No 541) to Landskrona with pairs 7 and 3 KOP cancelled MOSKVA 23.9.16 + at arrival in Sweden STOCKHOLM 16.10.16. Russian censor cancel No 57.

Tyskland, Uden gummi

Tyskland, Uden gummi

Tyskland, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1914. DEUTSCHLAND. Interesting Feldpost postcard (Gott schütze unsre Flotte und gebe ihr ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest) to Aller, pr. Christiandfeld, N. Schleswig and cancelled KIEL 22.12.14. Unusual German WW1 christmas card.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1916. BULGARIA. Cover to Bierne, Suisse with 25 St Ferdinand I cancelled KESSAREVO 24 IV 16. K.u.K censor cancel. Reverse arrival cancel BIENNE 7.V.16.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1915. BULGARIA. Registered cover to USA with 25 St Ferdinand I. Reverse arrival cancel NEW YORK 6. 7. 1915.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1914. BULGARIA. Cover to Constantinople with 25 St Ferdinand I cancelled SOPHIA 30. V. 914. Reverse arrival cancel CONSTANTINOPLE 14 JUIN 14 and transit cancel GALATA 14.VI. 14. .

Bulgarien, Michel 81+82, Brev
1917. BULGARIA. Cover to Pössnitz, Steiermark with 5 St and pair 10 St Ferdinand I cancelled STARA ZAGORA 28. IV. 1917. Censor cancel K. u. K Zensurstelle Wien ZENSURIERTI and censor label K.U.K. ZENSURSTELLE WIEN.

Bulgarien, Michel 1-4, Brev
1917. BULGARIA. OCCUPATION OF RUMANIA. Complete set with 4 stamps overprinted. Luxus cancelled BUCARESTI 21. XII. 917. on each stamp at the envelope.

Bulgarien, Michel 114, Brev
1918. BULGARIA. Interesting censored envelope to Motala Verkstad in Sweden with 25 ST Infantery soldier. Censor label: CONTROLE POSTAL MILITAIRE and censor cancel CONTROLE Par l'AUTORITE MILITAIRE. Reverse arrival cancel MOTALA VERKSTAD 11 10 1918. Unusual destination.

Bulgarien, Brev
1916. BULGARIA. Interesting censored envelope to St. Pölten, Österreich with sender cancel K. u. K. Radiostation Brusarcl and cancelled SOPHIA 25.VIII. 916. Censor label and cancel reverse. Very unusual Radiostation.

Bulgarien, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1916. BULGARIA. Interesting postcard (Sofia. Rue Maria-Louiza.) with DEUTSCHE FELDPOST to Hamburg and cancelled FELDPOSTSTATION Nr 185 5.3.16. The text mention other cities in the region.

Jugoslavien, Michel 397, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1940. JUGOSLAVIJA. 2 DIN Peter II solo on censored postcard to Dresden Deutschland cancelled SOSTAN 23. XII. 40. German red censor cancel: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Geprüft

Jugoslavien, Michel 399, Brev
1940. JUGOSLAVIJA. 4 DIN Peter II solo on censored envelope to Hamburg, Deutschland cancelled BEOGRAD. German red censor cancel and censor tape: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Geöffnet g.

Jugoslavien, Michel 399, Brev
1940. JUGOSLAVIJA. 4 DIN Peter II solo on censored advertisement envelope (TEHN. IN RADIO-TRGOVINA JOS. TSCHARRE) to Frankfurt, Deutschland cancelled MARIBOR. German red censor cancel and censor tape: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Geöffnet g.

Jugoslavien, Michel 403+, Brev
1940. JUGOSLAVIJA. 1 + 8 DIN Peter II on censored registered (BEOGRAD R No 2068) envelope to Hamburg, Deutschland cancelled BEOGRAD. German red censor cancel geprüft Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and censor tape: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Geöffnet g. Unusual combination of censor cancels.