Udvalgte JF-items

Cameroun, Michel 44-46, Brev
1916-1917. CAMEROUN. Beautiful small registered envelope to Schweiz with CAMEROUN Occupation Francaise OVERPRINT on 1 f, 2 f and 5 f all cancelled DUALA KAMERUN 7.5.17. Reverse arrival cancel in Schweiz: BUCHS (AARGAU) 13.VI.17. Unusual destination.

Cameroun, Michel 44-46, Brev
1918. CAMEROUN. Interesting registered envelope to Schweiz with CAMEROUN Occupation Francaise OVERPRINT on 1 C, 2 C, 2 ex 5 C and 4 ex 4 C all cancelled BUEA KAMERUN 25.11.18. Reverse arrival and transit cancels including VICTORIA CAMAROONS 27 NO 18, REGISTERED LONDON 24. JA. 19 REGISTERED LIVERPOOL 23 JA 19 and finalla BASEL 28.I.19. Unusual destination.

Gambia, Michel 183-186, Postfrisk -MNH
1963. GAMBIA. Elizabeth. & Birds overprinted SELF GOVERNMENT 1963. Complete set with 4 stamps never hinged. Beautiful set.

Sierra Leone, MICHEL 16, Stemplet

Liberia, Michel Dienst 57, Stemplet
1953. LIBERIA. Official stamps. TWO CENTS Arthur Barclay overprinted OS.

Liberia, Michel 450-455A, Stemplet
1953. LIBERIA. Complete set birds, beautiful stamps.

Liberia, Michel 450-455A, Stemplet
1953. LIBERIA. Complete set birds, beautiful stamps.

Liberia, Michel 450-455A, Stemplet
1953. LIBERIA. Complete set birds, beautiful stamps.

Liberia, Michel 450-455A, Stemplet
1953. LIBERIA. Complete set birds, beautiful stamps.

Nigeria, MICHEL 71, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes ½d OLD MANILLA CURRENCY. with luxus cancel ZARIA NIGERIA 16 JY 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 71, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes ½d OLD MANILLA CURRENCY. with fine cancel UYO NIGERIA 5 JY 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 71, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes ½d OLD MANILLA CURRENCY. with fine cancel UYO NIGERIA 5 JY 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 71, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes ½d OLD MANILLA CURRENCY. with fine cancel REGISTERET OTURKPO-NIGERIA 12 JY 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 71, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes ½d OLD MANILLA CURRENCY. with LUXUS cancel REGISTERET ORLII-NIGERIA 2 JY 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 74, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes 2d TIN. with fine cancel AUI NIGERIA 5 JU 54.

Nigeria, MICHEL 74, Stemplet
1953. NIGERIA. Elisabeth & Landscapes 2d TIN. with fine cancel LMUOSAS... NIGERIA 31 MY 54.

Kap Verde, Michel 280, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. Cabo Verde. Country map 1471 in pair never hinged.

Kap Verde, Michel 281, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. Cabo Verde. Vicente Dias & Gonçalo de Cintra in pair never hinged.

Kap Verde, Michel 282, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. Cabo Verde. Diogo Afonso & Alvaro Fernandes in pair never hinged.

Kap Verde, Michel 283, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. Cabo Verde. Lancarote & Soeiro da Costa in pair never hinged.

Kap Verde, Michel 284, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. Cabo Verde. Diego Gomes & Antonio da Nola in pair never hinged.