
Grønland, DK 602+, Brev
1979. GRØNLAND. Interesting cover to Thule Air Base, Dundas, GRØNLAND with 3 stamps cancelled FÅBORG 17.10.78 and with arrival cancel DUNDAS BESØG KNUD RASMUSSENS HUS I HUNDESTED 22 1 1979 + RETUR TIL 5600. Note from FÅBORG POSTKONTOR included. In the note: asking for who have opened the envelope. Reverse the ansver from G. Kaspersen, GRØNLANDS POSTVÆSEN dated 21. marts 1979. Unusual.

Grønland, Michel 50+, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1966. GRØNLAND. 1 ØRE + pair 12 ØRE Northern light on very unusual photo to Sverige cancelled with the special cancel SDR. STRØMFJORD JUL I GRØNLAND 20. 12.1966.

Grønland, Michel 1, Klip
1950. GØRNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Øre on small piece cancelled UPERNAVIK 10-10-1950 + Udstedet Tasiussak. Unusual.
Scott 1
Afa 1

Grønland, Michel 28, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. Frederik IX. 1 ØRE. on small piece cancelled RAVNS STORØ 14.9.52 + Kontrolløren ved Ravns Storø Havnen. Unusual.

Grønland, Michel DK 195, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. DANMARK 1 ØRE. on small piece cancelled M/S "UMANAK" Unusual.

Grønland, Michel DK 196, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. DANMARK 2 ØRE. on small piece cancelled Udstedet Prøven Unusual.

Grønland, Michel 28, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. Frederik IX. 1 ØRE. 2 stamps on small piece cancelled in red Udstedet Sydprøven + Udstedet Sydprøven Havne. Unusual.

Grønland, Michel 1, Klip
1950. GØRNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Øre on small piece cancelled UPERNAVIK 10-10-1950 + Udstedet Sdr. Upernavik. Unusual.
Scott 1
Afa 1

Grønland, Michel 1, Klip
1950. GØRNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Øre on small piece cancelled UPERNAVIK 10-10-1950 + Depotet Ottoshavn. Unusual.
Scott 1
Afa 1

Grønland, Michel 1, Klip
1950. GØRNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Øre on small piece cancelled UPERNAVIK 10-10-1950 + Kolonien Upernavik. Unusual.
Scott 1
Afa 1

Grønland, Michel 1, Klip
1950. GØRNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 2 ex 1 Øre on small piece cancelled with ship cancel Fra Grønland.
Scott 1
Afa 1

Grønland, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. KAP CORT ADELAER 28.5.52 on small piece. This postmark was never put in use. Extremely rare cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1950. GRØNLAND. KANGERDLUGSSUAK 17.7.50 on small piece. This postmark was used in a very short period. Very rare cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1949. GRØNLAND. RITENBENK -2-7-1949 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1950. GRØNLAND. FÆRINGER NORDHAVN 26.9.50 on small piece. This postmark was used in a very short period. Very rare cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1953. GRØNLAND. PRØVEN 21-5-1953 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1952. GRØNLAND. GRØNLANDS STYRELSE 16.1.52 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1950. GRØNLAND. GRØNLANDS STYRELSE 13. VI. 50 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1950. GRØNLAND. DANEBORG 30.7.50 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.

Grønland, Klip
1950. GRØNLAND. DANEBORG 30.7.50 on small piece. This postmark was used in a short period. Unusual cancel on blank paper without stamp.