Nederlands Indie, Dokument
1933. NEDERL. INDIE. Original letter written on the official letter paper from ORANJE HOTEL SOERABAIA (JAVA) and dated Mar 9, 1920. The content describe the writers experiences with this new place and the text includes: "I dont find it so difficult to get used to the conditions except the food. The Dutch Style of eating is amusing, they stiff them selves with all the heavy food that people in the cold climates eat, so they are all fat." Historical document.
Palästina, Michel 65, Brief
1937. PALESTINE. Country views and buildings. Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock. 15 (M). on cover BY AIR MAIL to Lugano, Schweiz. T postage due cancel and Manuscript in blue 40 ct in postage due in Schweiz. Pair 20 c POSTAGE DUE HELVETIA stamps. Slogan cancel JERUSALEM 25 NOV 1937 BUY JAFFA ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT and at arrival in Schweiz RUVIGLIA 29 XI 37.
Peru, Brief
1947. PERU. Interesting cover BY AIRMAIL to Havana, Cuba with 15 CTS and Pair 25 CTS Tarma cancelled LIMA PERU ENE 1. Reverse arrival slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA COMPRE AZUCAR CUBANO Buy CUBAN SUGAR ENE 4 1947.
Peru, Brief
1946. PERU. Interesting cover (tear) BY AIRMAIL to Havana, Cuba with 5 CTS and pair 30 CTS BOCA TOMA cancelled LIMA PERU 13 NOV 46. Reverse arrival slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA COMPRE AZUCAR CUBANO Buy CUBAN SUGAR NOV 16 1946.
Kuba, Michel 428, Brief
1958. CUBA. Fine CORREO AEREO cover to Randers, Denmark with 1 C + 30 C sugar-industry with slogan cancel SMOKE CUBAN CIGARS THE BEST IN THE WORLD HABANA CUBA JUL 9 1958. Sender adress in beautiful letters.
Dominica, Michel 493+, Brief
1962. REP. DOMINICANA. Small registered VIA AEREA to Randers, Denmark with 70 C MARQUESADO and 15 C. sugar industry. Sender: LA CASA DINAMARCA, San José, Costa Rica.
Dominica, Michel 468+, Brief
1954. REP. DOMINICANA. Small registered VIA AEREA to Randers, Denmark with 15 C pineapple and 15 C sugar industry. Sender: AGENCIAS DINAMARCA Ltda. San José, Costa Rica.
Italien, Michel 1010, Brief
1959. POSTE ITALIANA. 60 LIRE BRUXELLES single on beautiful advertisement cover (FRATELLI VERONESI DI G. FABRICA POSATERIE COLTELLERIE - cutlery) to Bad-Nauheim, Germany.
Italien, Michel 980+, Brief
1956. POSTE ITALIANA. 20 + 25 + 200 LIRE on registered PER VIA AEREA envelope to USDA cancelled CARRARA 4.9.56. Unusual franking. Reverse arrival cancel NEW YORK BOWLING GREEN STA SEP 8 1956.
Liechtenstein, gestempelt Ganzsache
1919. LIECHTENSTEIN. BRIEFKARTE 10 HELLER coat of arms cancelled TRIESEN 10. V. 19 to Zürich. The text reverse mention potatoes and onions.
Türkei, Michel 627+, Dokument
1918. TÜRKIYE. Very fine Bulletin d'expedition (Parcelcard) from ADMINISTRATION DES POSTES OTTOMAN to BUDAPEST from Constantinople with franking including pair 5 Pia on 2 Pa overprinted „Osmanlı postaları“ (Osmanian Post). Cancelled 23 3 18 and reverse at arrival in Hungary BUDAPEST 918 APR 16.Contents ROSINEN.
Türkei, Michel 627+, Dokument
1918. TÜRKIYE. Very fine Bulletin d'expedition (Parcelcard) from ADMINISTRATION DES POSTES OTTOMAN to BUDAPEST from Constantinople with franking including pair 5 Pia on 2 Pa overprinted „Osmanlı postaları“ (Osmanian Post). Cancelled 29 1 18 and reverse at arrival in Hungary BUDAPEST 918 FEB 14.Contents ROSINEN.
Palästina, Michel 61, Postkarte mit Stempel und Briefmarken
1938. PALESTINE. 8 M single on fine postcard (JERUSALEM. Damascus Gate.) photo type to Tacoma, Wash., USA cancelled with slogan cancel JERUSALEM BUT JAFFA ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT 17 MCH 1938. Interesting advertisement for local fruit.
Thailand, Brief
1931. Thailand. Fine small cover to Denmark with 15 STC Prajadhipok cancelled with slogan cancel BANGKOK 12 MAY 1931 BUY-SIAM-RICE BEST IN THE WORLD. The original letter is included and is interesting reading re riding 6 hours on an elephant, hearing tigers and mentioning that nothing is possible to predict regarding the future.
Michel 203
Estland, Ungebrauchter Ganzsache
1937. EESTI. PARO. PABEROSSID Jango + Kawe SOKOLAAD-MARTSIPAN-KOMPVERID - KAKAO 10 S liontype. Very rare care in perfect quality. Very unusual.
USA, gestempelt Ganzsache
1891. USA. Fine advertisement (Biardot's French Soups) TWO CENTS envelope with additional 1 + 2 CENTS to Honolulu, H. I. cancelled SAN FRANCISCO SEP 26 91 and reverse at arrival HONOLULU OCT 13 1891. Almost 3 weeks transport time. Fine and unusual advertisement envelope.
Kuba, Michel 49, Postkarte mit Stempel und Briefmarken
1932. CUBA Fine postcard (Svenska Amerika Linien M/S Gripsholm) to Sweden cancelled HABANA CUBA FEB 29 1932 BUY CUBAN SUGAR. Fine ship-motive card.
Kuba, Michel 48, Postkarte mit Stempel und Briefmarken
1938. CUBA Fine advertisement postcard (LA ZARAGOZANA RESTAURENT - BAR HABANA CUBA) to Lebanon, Penn, USA cancelled HABANA CUBA FEB 11 1938 1833 FINLAY 1938 with 1 C Jose Julian Marti. Foto from HABANA, PLAYA DE MARIANAO.
Kuba, Brief
1948. CUBA. Interesting official cover ASUNTO OFFICIAL from Camara de Comercio de la Republica de Cuba to USA cancelled with slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA MAR 6 1948 Buy CUBAN SUGAR.
Kuba, Brief
1948. CUBA. Interesting official cover ASUNTO OFFICIAL to USA cancelled with slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA DIX 15 1948 Buy CUBAN SUGAR.
Kuba, Michel 52, Brief
1948. CUBA. AIR MAILl cover to USA cancelled with slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA AGO 22 1946 Buy CUBAN SUGAR.