Ausgewählte JF-items
Dänemark, Ungebrauchter Ganzsache
1880. DANMARK. 4 ØRE envelope KGL. POST. FRM.
Dänemark, Ungebrauchter Ganzsache
1880. DANMARK. 8 ØRE envelope KGL. POST. FRM.
Dänemark, Michel 50+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1906. DANMARK. King Christian IX. 25 Øre together with 2 Øre and 3 Øre on five colour combination on envelope send registered (Holeby R Nr. 616) cancelled HOLEBY 19.3.06, first to Böblingen, Würtenberg, where it was readressed to Stuttgart. Reverse transit cancels NYKJÖBING Paa FALSTER 19.3.06, BÖBLINEG 21 MAZ 06 and two different STUTTGART cancels. Unusual franking and destination.
Scott 67+
Afa 49+
Dänemark, Michel 37 + 40Z, gestempelt Ganzsache
1906. DANMARK. 5 on 4 øre envelope + 1 øre + 4 on 8 øre on envelope from CHARLOTTENLUND 2.2.06 to Hadsund. Arrival cancel reverse.
Dänemark, Michel 42 + 40Z, gestempelt Ganzsache
1907. DANMARK. 5 on 4 øre envelope + 1 øre + 4 on 8 øre on envelope from JELLINGE 13.3.07 to Hadsund. Arrival cancel reverse.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1917. DANMARK. 10 ØRE envelope to Søndersø Apotek cancelled KJØBENHAVN 22.12.17.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1921. DANMARK. 20 ØRE envelope print K1.-32 to Søndersø Apotek cancelled KJØBENHAVN 7.11.21.
Dänemark, Michel 146+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1926. DANMARK. Registered 20 øre envelope (print 39-Kl) + 10 øre wavy line + 20 Christian X cancelled KOLDING 2.11.26 and reverse HADERSLEV 2.11.26 + CHRISTIANSFELD 3.11.26.
Dänemark, Michel 37, gestempelt Ganzsache
1903. DANMARK. 5 ØRE envelope with 3 ØRE + 2 ex 1 ØRE Coat of Arms to København cancelled FEMØ star cancel + MARIBO 16.7.03. Reverse arrival cancel KJØBENHAVN 8. OMB. 16.6.03.
Dänemark, Michel 36+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1903. DANMARK. 5 ØRE envelope with 2 ex 5 + pair 20 ØRE Coat of Arms to Budapest, Ungarn. 55 øre registered postage. Cancelled SKIVE 1.10.03. Rare destination.
Dänemark, Michel 56+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1913. DANMARK. 10 ØRE envelope with 25 øre Frederik VIII + 10 ØRE to Antwerpen, Belgien registered cancelled LØGSTØR 20.10.13. Arrival cancel reverse.
Dänemark, Michel 56, gestempelt Ganzsache
1913. DANMARK. 10 ØRE envelope with 25 øre Frederik VIII cancelled LØGSTØR 3.3.13 REGISTERED to Consulat de Russie, Monastir, Bitole, Macedonia. This Balcan state is an extremely rare destinationfor mail from Denmark. Very few known.
Dänemark, Michel 37+40, gestempelt Ganzsache
1905. DANMARK. 5 on 4 ØRE envelope with 4 ØRE on 8 ØRE + 1 ØRE Coat of Arms to Holstebro from NIBE 7.2.05. Reverse arrival cancel HOLSTEBRO 8.2.05.
Dänemark, Michel 25 I c, gestempelt Ganzsache
1880. DANMARK. 8 ØRE envelope (large tear) as Postsag, Parcel + 8 øre anilin to Finansministeriet, Cancelled THISTED 9 1 3 POST.
Dänemark, Michel 36+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1897. DANMARK. 8 ØRE envelope with 8 øre + 20 øre Coat of arms registered 36 øre franking from KJØBENHAVN 10.1.97 to Antwerpen. Reverse cancelled ANVERS ARRIVEE 11 JANV 97.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1908. DANMARK. 5 ØRE on 4 ØRE envelope with advertisement Linoleum Em. Meyer Jorcks Passage. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN 21.1.08.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1894. DANMARK. 8 ØRE envelope from SÆBY 25.12.94 to Skanderborg. Arrival cancel reverse.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1890. DANMARK. 8 ØRE envelope from SÆBY 19 8 2POST to Skanderborg. Arrival cancel reverse.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1909. DANMARK. 5 ØRE on 4 ØRE envelope with advertisement Linoleum Em. Meyer Jorcks Passage. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN 10.6.09.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1924. DANMARK. 10 ØRE envelope with advertisement KØBENHAVNS SVØMME UNION. Cancelled KØBENHAVN 29 II 1924.
Dänemark, gestempelt Ganzsache
1905. DANMARK. 5 ØRE envelope with advertisement ESBJERG JERNSTØBERI & MASKINFABRIK. Cancelled ESBJERG 11.7.05.