
Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1914. RUSSIA UKRAINE. RUSSIAN 3 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Eskilstuna, Sverige cancelled ODESSA 19 11 16 in Ukraine. Russian box cancel 252. The sender ask for information about Razors & different (k)nives and desires to form business relations with the receiver.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1910. RUSSIA POLEN. RUSSIAN 4 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Schweden dated Warschau, am 6/III 1910. Arrival cancel ESKILSTUNA 9.3.10.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1910. RUSSIA POLEN. RUSSIAN 4 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Schweden dated Warschau, den 17/II 1910. Arrival cancel ESKILSTUNA 20.2.10.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1913. RUSSIA. RUSSIAN 3 KOP CARTE POSTALE + 1 KOP Romanov to Schweden cancelled ST PETERSBURG 27.10.13. Arrival cancel ESKILSTUNA 10.11.13.

Russland, Michel 41, Brief
1903. RUSSIA LATVIA. Registered cover (tear) with additional 2 ex 10 KOP to Basel, Schweiz cancelled TUKUM 24 X 03 in Latvia. Arrival cancel BASEL 9. XI 03 reverse.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1906. RUSSIA LATVIA. RUSSIAN 3 KOP CARTE POSTALE with additional 1 KOP to Zürich, Schweiz cancelled LIEPAJA in Latvia. Readressed in Zürich and with 3 different ZÜRICH postmarks. Dated reverse Libau, Kurland.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1915. RUSSIA LATVIA. RUSSIAN 2 KOP wrapper to Zürich, Schweiz cancelled MITAU (Jelgrava) in Latvia. Unusual and in very fine quality.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1914. RUSSIA LATVIA. RUSSIAN 4 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Pully, Schweiz cancelled RIGA 7 10 14 in Latvia. Russian ovale cancel.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1908. RUSSIA LATVIA. RUSSIAN 7 KOP ENVELOPE with additional 3 KOP to Neuchatel, Schweiz cancelled VINDAVA 18 10 08 now VENTPILS in Latvia. Arrival cancel MEUCHATEL 3.XI.08 reverse. Beautiful quality.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1911. RUSSIA. 2 KOP wrapper to Sidorova cancelled 19.3.11. Additional 2 KOP lost by opening of the wrapper. Still interesting.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1892. RUSSIA. 10 KOP CARTE POSTALE (needle stick) cancelled 1892 to Buenos-Aires in Argentina, a very unusual destination. The text is (maybe) written in hebrew, but far away from my reading skills. Very interesting Judaica related card.

Lithauen, Postkarte mit Stempel ohne Briefmarken
1908. Lithuania. 4 KOP CARTE POSTALE to Hamburg from KOWNO (Kaunas) 29/10 11/11 1908. The sender ask for the best prices for 8 Ball Australier Bleisen, Interesting card. Arrival cancel HAMBURG 13.11.08.

Lithauen, Postkarte mit Stempel ohne Briefmarken
1908. Lithuania. 3 KOP Romanov CARTE POSTALE to KOWNO (Kaunas) 17 8 13. Fine arrival cancel.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1913. RUSSIA. 3 KOP POSTKARTE Romanov cancelled 22 2 13. Reverse a long text I cant read but maybe Georgian? Interesting.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1915. RUSSIA. 3 KOP POSTKARTE + 7 KOP to Diakonissenhaus, Bukarest, Rumania dated Irkutsk in Sebiria 26. August 1915. Interesting reading. Train cancel 13.8.15 and violet censor cancel. Unusual destination and sender.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1889. RUSSIA. 7 KOP envelope with 3-block 1 KOP on beautiful cover to Hamburg cancelled with numeral cancel 1 and reverse ST PETERSBURG 27 SEP 1889 + HAMBURG 11 10 89. Beautiful blue and yellow colour combination.

Russland, Michel 84+, gestempelt Ganzsache
1914. RUSSIA. 3 KOP CARTE POSTALE with additional 1 KOP + pair 2 KOP + 2 ex 3 KOP Romanov REGISTERED from Varsovie (Polen) to Göteborg, Sweden. Censor cancel and cancelled at arrival GÖTEBORG 16.10.14. RARE CARD and fine piece of postal history from POLAND.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1899. RUSSIA. 4 KOP POSTKARTE cancelled nummeral 1 + ST PETERSBORG 13.V.99 and at arrival in Germany STUTTGART 28 5.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1899. RUSSIA. 4 KOP POSTKARTE AVEC RESPONSE cancelled nummeral 4 + ST PETERSBORG 4.VIII.99 and at arrival in Germany FÜRSTENWALDE 18.8.99. Unused reply card.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1894. RUSSIA. 3 KOP POSTKARTE + 1 KOP to Copenhagen with arrival cancel K. OMB. 1 13 7 94. Postage due cancel from Russia. Dated Witeboa? 27 Juni 1894. Interesting card.

Russland, gestempelt Ganzsache
1877. UKRAINE. 4 KOP POSTKARTE sent France cancelled ODESSA + LE MESNIL ST. FIRMIN 16 MARS 77. Reverse written in a language I am not able to read. Judaica.