France, Mint never hinged
1914-1918. FRANCE 1 WW seal. BRIGADES INDIGENES DE GUINEE. Never hinged.
French Colonies, Mint never hinged
1955. afrique occidentale francais. Rotary never hinged.
French Colonies, unused post card
1926. AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE. Fin postcard (DAKAR - Rue Carnot - Temple Protestant. Very fine city and street motive.
French Colonies, unused post card
1910. AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE. Fine postcard Interieur de Village) Village motive with two women - one dressed and one undressed at the upper body.
French Colonies, unused post card
1917. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (La Gare et Maisons commerciales) fine card showing a the local railway station.
French Colonies, unused post card
1917. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (CONAKRY. Rue Sierra Leonaise et Quartier Syrien) fine card showing a the local road and the area where the Syrians live.
French Colonies, unused post card
1917. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Compagnie coloniale, sur le Nunez) fine card showing the river area.
French Colonies, Michel 37, cancelled post card with stamp
1909. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Afrique Occidentale. Guinee. KONAKRY Visite du Guverneurs General au chemin de fer) fine card with 10 C cancelled CONACRY 11 SEPT 1909 to Paris. Interesting to see how the boss from the railways was met.
French Colonies, unused post card
1917. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Pont Baga sur un Marigot) fine card showing the river area with a very locally made wooden bridge.
French Colonies, Michel 37, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Factorie de Bel-Air sur Rio-Nunez.) fine card with 10 C cancelled CONAKRY GUINEE FRANCAIS.
French Colonies, Michel 162, cancelled post card with stamp
1939. GUINÉE. Very unusual maxicard RENE CAILLIE with 2 Fs cancelled 21 OCT 39.
French Colonies, unused post card
1917. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Guinee Francaise. KINDA. 80 La Poste) fine card showing a local postoffice.
French Colonies, Michel 21, cancelled post card with stamp
1910. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (CONAKRY. Travaux Publics) fine card with 5 C cancelled CONAKRY 30 JUIL 11.
French Colonies, Michel 34, cancelled post card with stamp
1908. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Guinee Francaise. Un Grillo (musicien du Pays) fine card with 3 ex 2 C cancelled KISSEDOUGOU 29 JUIN 08 to Argentauil.
France, Michel 194, cancelled post card with stamp
1928. FRANCE. Postcard PARIS. Tour Saunt-Jacques. Franking 90 c Pasteur cancelled PARIS PLACE CHOPIN 18.2. 1928 to Monrovia, Liberia, Afrique Occidentale. Very unusual destination.
French Colonies, Michel 21, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Conakry. la fontaine pres du Warf) fine card with 5 C cancelled 22 AVRIL 11
French Colonies, Michel 68, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (KINDIA - Le Buffet) fine card with 15 C cancelled MAMOU 25 FEVR 25. Fine restaurent motive.
French Colonies, Michel 21, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Direction des Travaux Publics et Service des Mines) fine card with 5 C cancelled 22 AVRIL 11
French Colonies, Michel 3 + 18, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Monument Balley, Place du Gourvenment) fine card with 4 + 1 C cancelled CONACRY 26 AVRIL 11.
French Colonies, Michel 21, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (KANKAN -street view) fine card with 5 C cancelled 24 10 11
French Colonies, Michel 21, cancelled post card with stamp
1911. GUINÉE. CARTE POSTALE (Afrique Occidentale CONAKRY Boulevard Circulaire Tombo) fine card with 5 C cancelled 31 NOV 11 to Jura, France.