Finland, Michel 9, Brev
1983. FINLAND. FIELDPOST overprinted 1983. violet blue on military (Kenttäpostia) cover. Used during maneuvers 20.4 to 26.4 1983. Only 20.000 issued. Cancelled 25.4.83 and reverse KENTTÄPOSTIKONTTORI 5 27.4.83. Unusual cover.
Afa 9
Finland, Michel 2, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 2, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 2, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 2, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 2, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 3, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 3, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄPOSTA 1943 with interesting linecancel.
Finland, Michel 4, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄ POSTI FÄLTPOST on 2 markkaa with interesting linecancel Sappu.
Finland, Michel 4, Stemplet
1943. FINLAND. KENTTÄ POSTI FÄLTPOST on 2 markkaa with interesting linecancel Sappu.
Finland, Michel 8, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1963. FINLAND. FIELDPOST. violet blue. Used during maneuvers 1963. Only 85.000 issued. Unusual at postcard cancelled 2. 10. 63, adressed to Kapt, 7. KPK 2900 TURUN KASARMI.
Afa 8
Finland, Michel 8, Hængslet - MH
1963. FELDPOST. blå/lysblå. Kun 85.000 udleveret ved hærøvelser.
Afa 8