
Franske Kolonier, Michel 155+, Brev
1931. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Fine cover to Neuchatel, Schweiz with 65 c and 90 c Cottage cancelled NOUMEA NELLE CALEDONIA 20 MARS 31.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 156+, Brev
1930. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Small cover to Neuchatel, Schweiz with 5, 20 and 25 c Bay of Pointe des Paletuviers and 1 Fr. La Pérouse and De Bougainville, Sailship „L’Astrolabe“ cancelled NOUMEA NELLE CALEDONIA 26 SEPT 30. Reverse seal from SOCIETES MISSIONS EVANGELIQUES DE PARIS. POUR L´AFRIQUE 1929 1930.

Franske Kolonier, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1908. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Fine CARTE POSTALE (NOUMEA (N.C) Cote sud de la Ville, Montagne de la Presquile Ducos) to Geneve, Switzerland with pair 2 C bird, and 5 and 10 C Allegorie cancelled NOUMEA NOUVELLE CALEDONIE 24 2 08. Unusual destination.
Michel 57+

Franske Kolonier, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1902. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Fine CARTE POSTALE (NLIE CALEDONE NOUMEA MUSQUE DE LA TRANSPORTATION) to Geneve, Switzerland with pair 5 C Allegorie cancelled NOUMEA NOUVELLE CALEDONIE 27 AUG 1902, fine ship cancel NOUMEA A MARSAILLE FR.No 1 2 SEPT 02. Arrival cancel GENEVE 7.X.02. Unusual destination.
Michel 56

Franske Kolonier, Brev
1916. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Interesting censored cover to Bale, Suisse with 25 c cancelled NOUMEA. Censor tape CONTROLE POSTAL MILITAIRE and censor cancel OUVERT Par l`AUTORITE MILITAIRE 109. Unusual destination.
Michel 92

Franske Kolonier, Brev
1916. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Interesting censored cover (trimmed at right) to France with 10 c bird cancelled NOUMEA 8 NOV 10. Reverse arrival cancel VERDUN 17 12 10.
Michel 89

Franske Kolonier, Brev
1928. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Interesting censored cover (trimmed t) to Zürich, Suisse with 1F50 overprint on 1 F ship Président Félix Faure cancelled NOUMEA 4 SEPT 28. Arrival cancel ZÜRICH 16.X.28 on front and reverse ALTSTETTEN (ZÜRICH) 16.X.28. Beautiful stamp and unusual destination.
Michel 132

Franske Kolonier, Michel 532+, Brev
1975. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Beautiful motive cover (local pictures) with 5 different stamps including ship motive Marseille-Panama-Nouméa 60 F all cancelled NOUMEA SUD 24 4 1975.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 555+, Brev
1975. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Beautiful motive cover (local pictures) with 5 different stamps including 36 F Jules Sébastien César Dumont d’Urville all cancelled NOUMEA SUD 24 4 1975.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 163+165, Brev
1940. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Beautiful AIR MAIL FIRST FLIGHT POSTE AERIENNE 1ERE TRAVERSEE NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE ET ETATS UNIS to Canton Island, South Pacific with 2 F + 5 F La Perouse and De Bougainvill and their ship L'Astrolabe cancelled NOUMEA 21 7 40. Reverse arrival cancel CANTON ISLAND JUL 20 1940.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 339+, Brev
1949. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Cover (folds, tears) to Marseille, France Par Avion with 2 + 3 + 5 F country motives cancelled NOUMEA 30 SEPT 49.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 127+, Brev
1931. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Registered cover to Los Angeles with 20 C and 1 + 2 F La Perouse and De Bougainvill and their ship L'Astrolabe and 60 overprint on 75 C cancelled NOUMEA 20 AVRIL 31. Transit and arrival cancels reverse.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 284, Brev
1947. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS PREMIERE LIAISON AERIENNE Noumea á Sydney Par Clipper cover to Sydney, Australia with 10 F Kagu (bird) cancelled NOUMEA 26 FEVR 47. Arrival cancel reverse AIR MAIL SYDNEY 26FE 47. Unusual.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 361, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1959. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Postcard (Vue Generale de Noumea) with 4 Fr flower to USA cancelled NOUMEA 10 1 1959 VISITEZ LA NOUVELLE CALEDONIA SES SITES, SES GROTTES, SES FORETS. The card advertise for medicine: PENTOTHAL.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 384+, Klip
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. 1 + 5 F plants and pair 100 F CORBEILLE DE YATE on small piece cancelled NOUMEA 3 8 1966.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 411+, Brev
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. Fine AIR MAIL cover to USA with 17 F flower and 9 F metrology cancelled NOUMEA 10 6 1966.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 319+, Brev
1947. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS PREMIERE LIAISON AERIENNE Noumea á Sydney Par Clipper cover to France with 2 F Kagu (bird) and 8 F Victory-issue cancelled NOUMEA 26 FEVR 47. Unusual.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 409+, Klip
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. 5 F plants and 37 F maritime life on small piece cancelled NOUMEA 9 6 1966.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 384+, Klip
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. 4 F plants and pair 100 F CORBEILLE DE YATE on small piece cancelled NOUMEA 9 8 1966.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 414+, Klip
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. 2 ex 1 F plants and p3-stripe LIGHTHOUSE on small piece cancelled NOUMEA 20 6 1965.

Franske Kolonier, Michel 384+, Klip
1966. NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE. 9 F meterology + 20 F VIVE LA FRANCE + 50 F ILE DES PINS and pair 100 F CORBEILLE DE YATE on small piece cancelled NOUMEA 17 8 1966.