Arktis - Polar
Udvalgte JF-items

Sovjetunionen, Michel 402+404B, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1931. SOVJET. Graf Zeppelin. Polarfahrt. 30 KOP + 1 RUB. Imperforated on fine registered postcard (Sowjet stamp motives) to Herrn Proffessor W. J. WIESE Eisbrecher Malygin, NORPOL. Several Zeppelin cancels: LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN POLAR FAHRT 1931, PAR AVION ZEPPELIN LENINGRAD 25 VII 31, Mit Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin und Eisbrecher Malygin LENINGRAD NORDPOL. Fine card.

Sovjetunionen, Michel 410A, Stemplet
1932. SOVJET. International Polaryear 50 KOP perf 12½.

Grønland, Michel 7, Stemplet
1938. GRØNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Kr. light Brown. Cancelled IVIGTUT 1941.
Scott 9
Afa 7

Norge, Michel 124 variety, Klip
1928. NORGE. Interesting small piece with 20 RE Lion with variety: Hair on the print + NORGES RDE KORS + JULEN 1928 KRONPRINS OLAV 25 ÅR all cancelled with the rare slogan cancel OSLO 14. XII 28 ROALD AMUNDSEN 14. DECEMBER 1928. ONLY USED ONE DAY. Original cut from a newspaper describing the situation around the cancel is included.

Grønland, Michel 6, Brev
1948. GRØNLAND. Polar Bear. 30 Øre blue single on fine envelope to Roskilde, Danmark cancelled GODTHAAB 14, 4. 1948.
Scott 7
Afa 6

Grønland, Michel 11B, Stemplet
1937. 1 Kr. yellow. Schultz. Perf 10 3/4. Handelsstedet Kutdligssat. Fine and unusual cancel.
Scott Q8
Afa 18

Grønland, Michel 38, Brev
1956. GRØNLAND. Surcharge. 60 Øre/1 Kr. single on cover to Fru Minister Brun in Bern, Schweiz cancelled DUNDAS 15-2-1957. Sender reverse: Brun, Dundas Radio, Grønland. Rare franking and destination.
Scott 40
Afa 38

Grønland, Michel 7, Postfrisk -MNH
1938. GRØNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Kr. light Brown. Beautiful margin 4-block from lower left corner. never hinged.
Scott 9
Afa 7

Grønland, Michel 27, Postfrisk -MNH
1946. GRØNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 40 Øre blue. Never hinged margin 4-block from upper left corner. Beautiful block.
Scott 8
Afa 27

Grønland, Michel 6, Postfrisk -MNH
1938. Chr. X og Isbjørn. 30 Øre blå. 4-Block.
Scott 7
Afa 6

Grønland, Michel 7, Stemplet
1938. GRØNLAND. Christian X and Polar Bear. 1 Kr. light Brown. Beautiful 4-block cancelled GRØNLANDS POSTKONTOR KØBENHAVN K
Scott 9
Afa 7

Grønland, Michel 38, Postfrisk -MNH
1956. GRØNLAND. Surcharge. 60 Øre/1 Kr. 4-block WITH LOVER LEFT MARGIN. NEVER HINGED. Beautiful block.
Scott 40
Afa 38

Grønland, Michel 27, Stemplet
1946. Christian X and Polar Bear. 40 Øre blue. WITH UNUSUAL AMERICAN NAVY CANCEL 1946.
Scott 8
Afa 27

Grønland, Michel 9A, Stemplet
1915. GRØNLAND. PAKKE-PORTO. 20 øre red. Thiele. Perf 11 ½. Beautiful 9-block cancelled Kangerdluk. Beautiful block with a rare cancel.
Scott Q6
Afa 9

Michel 11A+, Klip
1930. GRØNLAND. PAKKE-PORTO. 1 Kr. yellow and 1915 10 øre blue. Thiele letterpress. Perf. 11 ½.__ on fine SMALL PIECE OF PARCEL CARD CANCELLED GRØNLANDS STYRELSE.
Scott Q8a+
Afa 11+

Sovjetunionen, Michel 2570+, Brev
1961. Sowjet. Cover with 6 KOP Fridtjof Nansen cancelled 29.12.61 the day before the official issue day according to Michel. Interesting.

Grønland, Dokument
1947. GRØNLAND. Parcel card from Kolonien Julianehaab (red official cancel) pr. S/S Gustav Holm to Gentofte, Danmark 14/5 1947. Beautiful quality.

Michel 11A+, Brev
1930. 1 Kr. gul og 1928 10 øre blå. Thiele bogtryk. Takket 11 ½. På flot Adressekort til Grønland fra København til Umanak. Flot kvalitet. GRØNLANDS STYRELSE. Attest Nielsen.
Scott Q8a+
Afa 11+

Grønland, Michel 11B, Hængslet - MH
1937. PAKKE PORTO. 1 Kr. yellow. Schultz. Perf 10 3/4 with variety small white box under one of the seagoals. Hinged.
Scott Q8
Afa 18

Japan, Michel 663, Brev
1957. JAPAN 10 Y mountain Manaslu, Nepal cancelled PRINCE HARALD ANTARCTICA 30.1.1957 + JAPAN ANTARCTIC RESEARCH EXPEDITION I. Unusual.

Norge, Udgivet uden gummi