Brefspjald (Enkelte postkort)
Udvalgte JF-items
Island, Stemplet helsag
1902. ISLAND. King Christian IX. 8 AUR BRJEFSPJALD cancelled REYKJAVIK 9.12.1904 and at arrival KOLDING 19 12 1 POST.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1906. ISLAND. King Christian IX. 3 AUR BRJEFSPJALD to Nørre Nebel, Danmark cancelled REYKJAVIK SEYDISFRORDUR 10 11 + transit KJØBENHAVN 22 11 06 and at arrival NØRRE-NEBEL 23.11.06.
Island, Stemplet helsag
Island, Stemplet helsag
1899. ISLAND. 10 AUR ALSHERJAR-POSTFJELAGID to Bergen Norway with S/S Thyra via Leith cancelled AKUREYRI 14 4 + at arrival BERGEN. The text mention S/S Egil. Interesting.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1889. ISLAND. 8 AUR BRJEFSPJALD to Kjøbenhavn cancelled REYKJAVIK 6 9 + at arrival K. OMB. 3 19 9 89. Interesting card.
Island, Michel 48+, Stemplet helsag
1910. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 8 AUR + pair 1 AUR to Gravenhage, Holland cancelled REYKJAVIK 16.2.10 + at arrival GRAVENHAGE 22.2.10. Unusual destination.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1910. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 10 AUR to Gravenhage, Holland cancelled REYKJAVIK 16.2.10 + at arrival GRAVENHAGE 22.2.10. Unusual destination.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1917. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 3 Aur with additional print reverse: Reikningur vfir kirkju- og sóknargjöld.... Cancelled REYKJAVIK 25.IV.17.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1917. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 3 Aur with additional print reverse: Studentafelagid.... Cancelled REYKJAVIK 6. V. 13. Tear.
Island, MICHEL 49 + 50, Stemplet helsag
1907. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 3 Aur with additional franking 3 aur + 4 aur Christian IX & Frederik VIII to Trondhjem, Norge from REYKJAVIK 18.11.07. Transit cancel in Norge CHRISTIANSSAND S 28 XI 07 + at arrival TRONDHJEM TUR 1 1-12-1907. Beautiful card and combination.
Island, MICHEL 51, Stemplet helsag
1907. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 5 Aur question card with additional franking 5 aur Christian IX & Frederik VIII to Trondhjem, Norge from REYKJAVIK 18.11.07. Transit cancel in Norge CHRISTIANSSAND S 28 XI 07 + at arrival TRONDHJEM TUR 1 1-12-1907.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1907. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 10 Aur question card to Trondhjem, Norge from REYKJAVIK 18.11.07. Cancelled at arrival TRONDHJEM TUR 1 1-12-1907.
Island, Stemplet helsag
1913. ISLAND. BRJEFSPJALD. Christian IX & Frederik VIII 3 Aur + 5 Aur with watermark. Both cancelled AKUREYRI 23. VII 15. Must be unusual.
Island, Ustemplet helsag
Island, Stemplet helsag
1922. ISLAND. King Christian X. 25 AUR BRJEFSPJALD + 25 AUR BRJEFSPJALD with reply. Both cancelled to order AKUREYRI 20.IX. 22. Must be unusual. First day?
Tyskland, Michel 83-84, Brev
1903. DEUTSCHES REICH 7 ex 2 Pf. + 2 ex 3 Germania on beautiful cover to Jönköping, Schweden cancelled LEIPZIG 17.6.03. and reverse JÖNKÖPING 19 6 03 + SASSNITZ-TRELLEBORG 142 B 18.6.03. Sender of the cover Cl. Kunath, Leipzig who used the style form the Brefspjald from Iceland to decorate his envelopes. Impressive cover.
Danmark, Michel 143-144, Stemplet helsag
1929. DANMARK. Air mail 10 + 15 øre on 10 AUR BRJEFSPJALD from Iceland cancelled KØBENHAVN LUFTPOST 25.6.29. to Venezia, Italy. Danish LUFTPOST vignette and red German cancel Mit Luftpost befördert Berlin Zentralflughafen. Very unusual use of an Icelandic BREFSPJALD with Danish stamps. Arrival cancel VENEZIA FERROVA POSTA AEREA 25 6 29.
Scott C1+2
Afa 144-145
Danmark, Michel 143-144, Stemplet helsag
1929. DANMARK. Air mail 10 + 15 øre on 10 AUR BRJEFSPJALD from Iceland cancelled KØBENHAVN LUFTPOST 25.6.29. to Venezia, Italy. Danish LUFTPOST vignette and red German cancel Mit Luftpost befördert Berlin Zentralflughafen. Very unusual use of an Icelandic BREFSPJALD with Danish stamps. Arrival cancel VENEZIA FERROVA POSTA AEREA 25 6 29.
Scott C1+2
Afa 144-145
Danmark, Michel 144, Stemplet helsag
1929. DANMARK. Air mail 25 øre on 3 on 10 AUR BRJEFSPJALD from Iceland cancelled KØBENHAVN LUFTPOST 31.5.29. to Torino, Italy. Danish LUFTPOST vignette and red German cancel Mit Luftpost befördert Luftpostamt Berlin 2. Very unusual use of an Icelandic BREFSPJALD with Danish stamps. Transit cancel BERLIN -1.6.29AEREA 25 6 29.
Scott C2
Afa 145
Danmark, Michel 145+, Stemplet helsag
1925. DANMARK. Air mail 25 øre + 4 + 1 øre on 8 AUR BRJEFSPJALD from Iceland cancelled KØBENHAVN LUFTPOST -9.11.25. to Pforzheim, Baden. Danish LUFTPOST vignette and red German cancel Mit Luftpost befördert Luftpostamt Essen. Very unusual use of an Icelandic BREFSPJALD with Danish stamps.
Scott C3+
Afa 146+