
Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1910. FRANCE. CARTE POSTALE. CABARET DU NEANT, PARIS, MONMARTRE. Fine card. Cabaret du Néant "Cabaret of Nothingness"/"Cabaret of the Void") was a cabaret in Montmartre, Paris, founded in 1892.The Cabaret du Néant was an early pioneer of the modern theme restaurant and dealt with various aspects of mortality and death. The dark theme of the cabaret included magic tricks and illusions focusing on morbid subjects.

Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1910. FRANCE. CARTE POSTALE. CABARET DU NEANT, PARIS, MONMARTRE. No 1, Salle d`intoxication. Fine card. Cabaret du Néant "Cabaret of Nothingness"/"Cabaret of the Void") was a cabaret in Montmartre, Paris, founded in 1892.The Cabaret du Néant was an early pioneer of the modern theme restaurant and dealt with various aspects of mortality and death. The dark theme of the cabaret included magic tricks and illusions focusing on morbid subjects.

Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1910. FRANCE. CARTE POSTALE. CABARET DU NEANT, PARIS, MONMARTRE. No 4, Caveau des Trepasses Deuxieme phase. Fine card. Cabaret du Néant "Cabaret of Nothingness"/"Cabaret of the Void") was a cabaret in Montmartre, Paris, founded in 1892.The Cabaret du Néant was an early pioneer of the modern theme restaurant and dealt with various aspects of mortality and death. The dark theme of the cabaret included magic tricks and illusions focusing on morbid subjects.

Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1910. FRANCE. CARTE POSTALE. CABARET DU NEANT, PARIS, MONMARTRE. No 3, Caveau des Trepasses Premiere phase. Fine card. Cabaret du Néant "Cabaret of Nothingness"/"Cabaret of the Void") was a cabaret in Montmartre, Paris, founded in 1892.The Cabaret du Néant was an early pioneer of the modern theme restaurant and dealt with various aspects of mortality and death. The dark theme of the cabaret included magic tricks and illusions focusing on morbid subjects.

Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1910. FRANCE. CARTE POSTALE. CABARET DU NEANT, PARIS, MONMARTRE. No 5, 3e Caveau, Les spectres tristes . Fine card. Cabaret du Néant "Cabaret of Nothingness"/"Cabaret of the Void") was a cabaret in Montmartre, Paris, founded in 1892.The Cabaret du Néant was an early pioneer of the modern theme restaurant and dealt with various aspects of mortality and death. The dark theme of the cabaret included magic tricks and illusions focusing on morbid subjects.

Tyskland, Brev
1916. DEUTSCHLAND. Interesting Feldpost cover cancelled COTTBUS 7.5.16 to Herrn Leutnant Hans Junge, returned and cancelled Zurück and noted on the envelope: Aud dem Felde der Ehre gefallen. What a dramatic message to receive when the cover was returned. Historical cover.

Tyskland, Ustemplet postkort
1916. DEUTSCHLAND. Interesting Feldpost postcard (Schulter an Schulter war motive) dated 18.6.16. Sender cancel Kaiserlich Deutsche Südarme, Technisches Gruppenkommando Hauptmann Jenisch.

Frankrig, Brev
1852. FRANCE. Small old mourning cover cancelled OR + postage 25. Arrival cancel reverse SIGNE DE QU.VRAIN 30 NOV 52. Original letter included dated MORARD, NOTAIRE Plainville 26 nov 1852..

Frankrig, Brev
1851. FRANCE. Small old cover cancelled NEUILLY S SEINE 17 SEPT 51 + postage 25. Arrival cancel reverse PARIS 17 SEPT. 51. Original letter included.

Rusland, Brev
1915. RUSSIA LATVIJA. 10 KOP WAR-AID and 10 KOP as beautiful franking on censored registered mourning cover to Basel, Schweiz cancelled RIGA 18 7 15 in Letonia. Russian censor cancels at front and reverse together with transit and arrival cancels BASEL 13. VIII.15 and ARLESHEIM 14.VIII. 15. Readressed in Schweiz. Unusual destination and franking.
Michel 106+

Marokko, Michel 42, Brev
1923. MAROC. Interesting small mourning registered cover with 2 ex 75 C SERVICE POSTAL AERIEN to London cancelled SAFFI 4 6 23. Reverse transit and arrival cancels CASABALCA and REGISTERED LONDON A 8 JU 23.

Norge, Ustemplet postkort
1905. NORGE. Postkort motive: Ustedalens Kirke, Gjeilo. Funeral?

Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1913. DANMARK. KUNSTNER KARNEVAL 6 MARTS ODD-FELLOW-PALÆET. Motive decadent women. Never hinged.

Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH

Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1913. DANMARK. KUNSTNER KARNEVAL 6 MARTS ODD-FELLOW-PALÆET. Motive decadent women. Never hinged.

Spanien, Michel 236, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1912. ESPANA. Alfons XIII 25 Cts on interesting mourning cover to Republica du Cuba cancelled 26.NOV.12. via New York.

Italien, Michel 91, Brev
1922. ITALIANA. 2 ex 40 C Viktor Emanuel on small mourning-cover to Le Baron de Bevill in Paris cancelled MILANO 1 VI 1922. Interesting.

Tyskland, Michel 41, Brev
1883. DEUTSCHE REICHS POST. 10 PFENNIG on very small mourning cover cancelled KIEL 21 6 83. Part of original letter included. Arrival cancel ALTONA 21/6 83 reverse.

Tyskland, Michel 72, Brev
1907. DEUTSCHES REICH. 20 Pf. Germania solo on mourning cover cancelled FLENSBURG 18.3.07 to København, Danmark and readressed and cancelled HELLERUP 20.3.07. Original letter and mourning document for Catharine Dorothee Sarauw included.

Spanien, Michel 640, Brev
1937. ESPANA. 50 C Salmeron on interesting censored MOURNING cover to England from MADRID 25. ABR. 37. Censor cancel CENSURADA.

Schweiz, Brev
1935. SCHWEIZ. Landscapes 5 C on very unusual mourning letter (Monsieur Jean Goy-Decoppet) cancelled LAUSANNE 3.II.35 and at arrival in Denmark STRUER 6.2.35.
Michel 271