Olympiske lege

Michel 71, Brev
1912. SVERIGE. Gustav V. 10 öre carmine on small mourning cover (tear) cancelled STOCKHOLM 11. 6. 12 OLYMPISKA SPELEN I STOCKHOLM OLYMPIC GAMES OF STOCKHOLM. Reverse arrrival cancel ESKILSTUNA 2 TUR 11.6.22. Early use of this olympic games cancel.
Scott 72
Afa 54

Tyskland, Michel 609+, Stemplet helsag
1936. DEUTSCHES REICH. Olympische Spiele 1936, 3+2 Pf. and 6+4 Pf on Postkarte Olympische Segelwetthkämpfe. Kiel cancelled BERLIN OLYMPIA STADION 7.8.36 to Helsingborg, Schweden.

Finland, Stemplet
1952. FINLAND. OLYMPIC STAMPS. Beautiful booklet WITH 4 4BLOCKS cancelled HELSINKI XV OLYMPIA 26.7.52. . Unusual booklet cancelled.

Finland, Postfrisk -MNH
1952. FINLAND. OLYMPIC STAMPS. Beautiful booklet WITH 4 x 4BLOCKS never hinged.

Liechtenstein, Michel 834-836 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1983. LIECHTENSTEIN Olympische Winterspiele 1984, Sarajevo. Complete set (3 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

Liechtenstein, Michel 834-836 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1983. LIECHTENSTEIN Olympische Winterspiele 1984, Sarajevo. Complete set (3 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

Liechtenstein, Michel 834-836 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1983. LIECHTENSTEIN Olympische Winterspiele 1984, Sarajevo. Complete set (3 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

SUD KASAI, Michel 16-17, Postfrisk -MNH
1961. SUD KASAI. Complete set OLYMPICS ROME from CONGO BELGIE overprinted SUD KASAI, never hinged. Rare set.

Finland, Brev
1940. FINLAND. Very early censored cover to Storebro Sverige Par avion cancelled with private machine cancel GRÖNBLOM HELSINKI 8 3 40 SUOMI 300 (M). In addition the official slogan cancel XII OLYMPIA 20.7 4.8.40 HELSINKI 8 III 40. Censor maschine cancel GRANSKAT AV KRIGSCENSUREN N. 1. Sender MASKIN AKTIEBOLAGET E. GRÖNBLOM, HELSINGFORS. Very fine use of the slogan cancel for the olympics in Helsinki 1040 the games that WW2 stoped.

Finland, Brev
1940. FINLAND. Very early censored cover to Storebro Sverige Par avion cancelled with private machine cancel GRÖNBLOM HELSINKI 7 3 40 SUOMI 300 (M). In addition the official slogan cancel XII OLYMPIA 20.7 4.8.40 HELSINKI 8 III 40. Censor maschine cancel GRANSKAT AV KRIGSCENSUREN N. 1. Sender MASKIN AKTIEBOLAGET E. GRÖNBLOM, HELSINGFORS. Very fine use of the slogan cancel for the olympics in Helsinki 1040 the games that WW2 stoped.

Polen, Uden gummi
1940-1945. POLSKA. Camp-stamp. POCZTA OB. OF. IIC 40. olympic motive. No gum.

Tyskland, Michel block 5, Brev
1936. DEUTSCHES REICH Rare cover Durch Eilboten Expres to Königsberg/Pr. with OLYMPISCHE SPIELE BERLIN 1936 block cancelled with special cancel KIEL XI. Olympiade Segeln 1936 10.8.36. Rare single franking.

Tyskland, Michel 615, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1936. DEUTSCHES REICH.OLYMPISCHE SPIELE 25+15 Pf on small postcard to Sweden cancelled BERLIN-GRÜNAU REGATTABAHN 1.8.,36. Additional official vignette OLYMPISKA SPELEN BERLIN 1936 in red.

Polen, Stemplet
1950. POLEN. Interesting seal for funding the olympic games: OLIMPIJOKI FUNDUSZ 2 ZL.

Comores, Stemplet
1992. REP. FEDERALE ISLAMIQUE DES COMORES Olympics, block 100 F never hinged.
MICHEL 951 Block

Polen, Michel 1519, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1964. POLSKA. Interesting FLIGHT & OLYMPICS CARD with 2,50 zl Olympics (foodball) and vignette PRZESYLKA SZYBOWCOWA XVIII LOT with special cancel.

Polen, Michel 1173A, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1962. POLSKA. Interesting balloon CARD with 2,50 zl Olympics and vignette PRZESYLKA BALONOWA KATOWICE 3 ZL1962 with special cancel.

Polen, Michel 1171A, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1962. POLSKA. Interesting balloon CARD with 2,50 zl Olympics and vignette PRZESYLKA BALONOWA SYRENA 3 ZL1962 with special cancel.

Polen, Michel 1170A, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1962. POLSKA. Interesting balloon CARD with 2,50 zl Olympics and vignette PRZESYLKA BALONOWA POZNAN 3 ZL1962 with special cancel.

Polen, Michel 1172A, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1962. POLSKA. Interesting balloon CARD with 2,50 zl Olympics and vignette PRZESYLKA BALONOWA WARSWAWA 3 ZL1962 with special cancel.