
Bulgarien, Michel 54, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1910. BULGARIA. Interesting postcard with royal motive (Die königlichen Prinzessinnen Evdokia und Nadejda) to Denmark. Franking with 10 St Ferdinand I cancelled SOPHIA 1.III.910. Unusual destination and motive. .

Madagaskar, Michel 258, Brev
1938. MADAGASCAR. P & M. CURIE DECOUVRENT LE RADIUM. UNION INTERNATIONALE CONTRE LE CANCER. R.F. 1f75 + 50 c. Nobel prize. with part of margin as single franking on cover to Bisamberg bei Wien, Ostmark, Allemagne cancelled TANAN ARIVE MADAGASCAR 15 12 39. Unusual franking.

Sverige, Ustemplet postkort
1950. SVERIGE. POSTCARD. H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolf. Original photo type. Sago - Konst A.B. Stockholm.

Sverige, Ustemplet postkort
1950. SVERIGE. POSTCARD. H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolf och H. M. Drottning Louise. Original photo type. Sago - Konst A.B. Stockholm.

Danmark, Michel 269, Brev
1942. DANMARK. Pair 10 ØRE Christian X on small envelope to Teacher (lærer) Hansen from one of his students Mary. Cancelled SKIVE 4 DECB 1946. Letter paper with picture of queen Margrethe as small girl and a poem from Olaf Gynt. The text mention if the teaches mis her to come home and learn more. Drawing of a typical Danish counrryside church included.

Italien, Stemplet helsag
1911. ITALIA CARTOLINA POSTALE ITALIANA 10 CENTISIMI Victor Emanuel III on very interesting card cancelled ROMA 7 APR 14 11 to Hartmann, Sekretær ved Udstillingen Udstillingsbygningen ved Charlottenborg, Denmark. The text mention sale at the art-exhibition and are written by the danish painter N.F. Schiøttz-Jensen. Historical card.

Luxembourg, Michel 474-477, Brev
1950. LUXEMBOURG. Fine registered FDC to Sweden with complete set CARITAS Johann-Anton Zinnen (composer) cancelled first day of issue LUXEMBOURG 5.XII.50.

Holland, Ustemplet postkort
1910. NEDERLAND. BRIEFKAART photo-type H. M. de Koningin Moeder. Fine royal card.

Frankrig, Ustemplet postkort
1950. FRANCE. Postcard FREDERIC CHOPIN. Playing the piano. Fine card.

Tyskland, Michel 70, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1904. DEUTSCHES REICH. Historical Postkarte: S.K.H. Grossherzog Friedrich Wilhelm von Mecklenburg Strelitz cancelled NEUSTRELITZ 6.6.04.

Frankrig, Michel 433, Hængslet - MH
1934. REP. FRANCAISE. Radium. Pierre & Marie Curie nobel prize winner hinged.

Polen, Michel 478B, Brev
1947. POLSKA. Fine PAR AVION cover to Sweden with 10 ZL Maria Curie Sklodowska + 5 ZL + 1 ZLOTY cancelled WARSZAWA 8.X. 47.

Tyskland, Michel 396, Brev
1926. DEUTSCHES REICH Rare and fine registered cover with 50 Pf Bach from BERLIN 16.11.26 to Büdingen (Oberessen). The stamp were issued a few weeks before 1.11.1926. Very unusual and fine single franking on a commercial cover from Philipp Kosack & Co.

Frankrig, Michel 433 + 435, Klip
1934. REP. FRANCAISE. Radium. Pierre & Marie Curie nobel prize winner and 65 + 60 c on small piece.

Tyskland, MICHEL 85, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1909. DEUTSCHES REICH. Historical POSTKARTE: Swinemünde Strandpromenade. Beautiful buildings. 2 ex 5 Pf Germania cancelled STETTIN 18.2.09 to S/S M. C. Melchior, DFDS Expedition, Esbjerg Danmark. The post to the different ships were collected here.

Sverige, Michel 41, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1905. SVERIGE. Postkort Jubileumsbrefkort 1829 - 1904 BRÖDRAFOLKENS VÄL with 5 ÖRE Oscar cancelled trelleborg 20 5 1905 + hönsinge 20 5 1905. Beautiful royal card. .

Grækenland, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1913. GREECE. Original photo post card from the Kings funeral (mentioned in the text) Stamp removed. Sent to Denmark with arrival cancel KJØBENHAVN C. 13.5.13. Historical card.

NIGER, MICHEL 84, Hængslet - MH

Tyskland, Michel 56, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1901. DEUTSCHES REICH. Historical Postkarte: Unser Kronprinz als Corpsstudent. Franking 10 Pf REICHSPOST Germania cancelled AACHEN 22.10.01 + at arrival TOURNAI 23 OCTO 1901.

Tyskland, Ustemplet postkort
1915. DEUTSCHES REICH. Historical Postkarte - original photo: Unsere Kronprinzessin bei einem Lazarettbesuch. Phot. Jenischewsky Allenstein.