Kunst, kultur & design
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1913. DANMARK. KUNSTNER KARNEVAL 6 MARTS ODD-FELLOW-PALÆET. Motive decadent women. Never hinged.
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1914. DANMARK. KVINDERNES UDSTILLING ESBJERG 1914. Motive woman. Never hinged.
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1914. DANMARK. KVINDERNES UDSTILLING ESBJERG 1914. Motive woman. Never hinged.
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1914. DANMARK. KVINDERNES UDSTILLING ESBJERG 1914. Motive woman. Never hinged.
Danmark, Postfrisk -MNH
1914. DANMARK. BØRNEHJÆLPSDAG 1914 in 4-stripe with children motives. Never hinged.
Tyskland, Michel 515, Brev
1940. DEUTSCHES REICH. Interesting advertisement (Spezialfabrik für Textilbedarf GEO. F. KRAEMER, AUGSBURG) UN-censored envelope to Sjuntorp, Post: Upphärad, Sweden with 5 Pf Hindenburg cancelled AUGSBURG 15.1.40. Unusual that the cover was not censored. Beautiful advertisement.
Tyskland, Michel 85, Brev
1953. BERLIN. Freiheitsglocke (Right.) 30 Pf. on fine commercial cover to RIKSOST, Sweden cancelled with slogan cancel BERLIN.CHARLOTTENBURG 10.6.53. Besucht die III. INTERNATIONALEN FILMFESTSPIELE BERLIN.
Scott 9N78
Afa 85
Tyskland, Michel 102-105, Brev
1954. BERLIN. Freiheitsglocke (Midle.) 10+20+30+40 Pf. + 4 Pg Guttenberg on fine cover cancelled with special cancel HAMBURG DEUTSCHES DERBY 4.7.1954. Horsemotive on the envelope.
Schweiz, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1959. SCHWEIZ. Fine postcard (CIRCUS KNIE) with 10 C Bus cancelled BEINWIL (FREIAMT) 17.X.59. BALLONPOST cancelled RAPPERSWIL SG 2. FERIENDORF-BALLONPOSTFLUG 17.X.59. Interesting Kinderdorf-Ballonpost. PRO-JUVENTUTE FERIENDORF.
Michel 586
Sovjetunionen, Postfrisk -MNH
1972. SOWJET. Paintings. Complete set in pairs never hinged.
Michel 4070-4075
Sovjetunionen, Postfrisk -MNH
1972. SOWJET. Paintings. Complete set never hinged.
Michel 4036-4040
Sovjetunionen, Postfrisk -MNH
1972. SOWJET. Paintings. Complete set never hinged.
Michel 4036-4040
Cuba, Michel block 25, Brev
1965. CUBA. Fine FDC with block paintings MUSEO POSTAL cancelled first day of issue HABANA CUBA ENERO 2 1965. Fine cover.
Cuba, Michel 177, Brev
1942. CUBA. AMERICAN DEMOCRACY 10 C. on small CENSORED AIR MAIL cover to USA cancelled with slogan HABANA CUBA APR 28 1942 CUBA IS THE PARADISE OF TOURISTS. Censortape EXAMINED BY 1921.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1897. BELGIUM. BRUXELLES EXPOSITION. Antic horn-blower motive. Music. Hinged.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1897. BELGIUM. BRUXELLES EXPOSITION. Antic horn-blower motive. Music. Hinged. Cut.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1897. BELGIUM. BRUXELLES EXPOSITION. Antic horn-blower motive. Music. Hinged. Thin.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1900. BELGIUM. EXPOSITION d' Art culinaire Bruxelles 8-16. Xe 1900. Union Syndicate des Hoteliers, Restaurateurs et Cafetiers de L'Agglomeration Bruxelloise. Beautiful woman with food products motive. Hinged. Thin.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1900. BELGIUM. EXPOSITION d' Art culinaire Bruxelles 8-16. Xe 1900. Union Syndicate des Hoteliers, Restaurateurs et Cafetiers de L'Agglomeration Bruxelloise. Beautiful woman with food products motive. Hinged.
Belgien, Hængslet - MH
1900. BELGIUM. EXPOSITION d' Art culinaire Bruxelles 8-16. Xe 1900. Union Syndicate des Hoteliers, Restaurateurs et Cafetiers de L'Agglomeration Bruxelloise. Beautiful woman with food products motive. Hinged. Thin.