Design, ting & sager

Tyskland, Michel 204, Stemplet
1922. DEUTSCHES REICH. Deutsche Gewerbeschau, München. 20 MARK in 4stripe with special cancel AUERBACH Wäsche Weisswaren Gardine Stickereien Rüschen 31.5.22.

Tyskland, Michel 204, Stemplet
1922. DEUTSCHES REICH. Deutsche Gewerbeschau, München. 20 MARK in 3stripe with special cancel AUERBACH Wäsche Weisswaren Gardine Stickereien Rüschen 31.5.22.

Grækenland, Michel 90A, Brev
1895. HELLAS. Hermes 25 L perf 11½ on advertisement cover (GRAND HOTEL D'ANGLETERRE ATHENS GREECE - ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING) to Detrit, Michigan, USA cancelled ATHENS 14 APR 1900. A cover from a time where electricity throughout the building made a hotel something special.

Østrig, Michel 388, Brev
1922. ÖSTERREICH 600 Kronen solo on advertisement cover (FABRIK FEINER LEDER- UND GALANTERIEWAREN OSKAR KARPELES, WIEN) to Stockholm cancelled WIEN 23 X 22 and reverse STOCKHOLM 26.10.22.

Østrig, Michel 374, Brev
1922. ÖSTERREICH 3 pair 50 Kronen on advertisement cover (FABRIK FEINER LEDER- UND GALANTERIEWAREN OSKAR KARPELES, WIEN) to Stockholm cancelled WIEN 5.IX.22. The stamps was issued in August, so very early use of ths beautiful stamp.

USA, Michel 53, Brev
1892. USA.1 CENT Franklin cancelled 15 PHILADELPHIA on advertisement cover (folds) from A.J. WEIDNER PHILADELPHIA DEALERS IN LAMPS, CHANDELIERS AND FANCY GLASSWARE. Unusual advertisement.

USA, Hængslet - MH
1912. USA. Very interesting advertisement cover (cut) from PARRY Mfg Co. INDIANAPOLIS., USA THE LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGE FACTORY IN THE WORLD. with defect 2 CENTS. Motives with different types of carriages reverse and cancelled SHARPESVILL, PA 9 JUL reverse. Original STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT included. Historical cover and document.

Italien, Michel 89+, Brev
1921. Poste Italiane. Interesting advertisement cover (Societa arti decorative interne G. Marchetti & C.) to Paris with 2 ex 10 CENTESIMI and 40 CENT cancelled VICENZA 12.10.21.

Belgien, Michel 73, Brev
1910. BELGIE Interesting advertisement cover (tear, fold) from Etablissements HENRI NYSSENS with pictures of different maschines eg. Machine á vapeur Ruston, Forerie sensitive multiple to Michigan Wheel Co, Grand Rapid, Michigan, USA with 25 C cancelled ANVERS 15 XII 1910.

Tyskland, Michel BLOCK 7, Brev
1937. DEUTSCHES REICH. Hitler 6 Pf in block WER EIN VOLK RETTEN WILL KANN NUR HEROISCH DENKEN reverse on cover cancelled BERLIN 20. April 1937 Der Führers Geburtstag + arrival cancel BAD LANDECK (SCHLES) 22.4.37. Advertisement label Das Deutschland Adolf Hitlers. Interesting.

Tyskland, Michel BLOCK 4, Stemplet
1936. DEUTSCHES REICH. Das braune Band 42 Pf in block (small fold, neadle stick) cancelled MÜNCHEN Rennplats 29.7.36.

Tyskland, Michel 225, Brev
1922. DEUTSCHES REICH. Beautiful advertisement cover (A. Karfunkelsstein & Comp, Herren- u. Knaben Kleider-Fabrik Breslau 1 to Forst with 3 MARK cancelled BRESLAU 21.9.22.

Tyskland, Michel 515, Brev
1940. DEUTSCHES REICH. Interesting advertisement (Spezialfabrik für Textilbedarf GEO. F. KRAEMER, AUGSBURG) UN-censored envelope to Sjuntorp, Post: Upphärad, Sweden with 5 Pf Hindenburg cancelled AUGSBURG 15.1.40. Unusual that the cover was not censored. Beautiful advertisement.

Østrig, Michel 404, Brev
1922. ÖSTERREICH. 10 + 40 + pair 1000 K on cover to Schweden cancelled WIEN 23.XII.22. Sender EMIL HOROWITZ PELZWAREN - KONFEKTION.

Tyskland, Michel 567, Brev
1935. DEUTSCHES REICH. 12 Pf Saarabstimmung on cover cancelled WITTENBERGE Stadt der Nähmaschinen 14.2.35. Sender SINGER NÄHMASCHINEN. Interesting thematic cover. Original letter enclosed.

Tyskland, Michel 147, Brev
1921. DEUTSCHES REICH Advertisement cover from Rheinische Gummi Gesellschaft Düsseldorf with pair 60 Pf Germania from DÜSSELDORF 10.9.21 to Schweden. Reverse the advertisement SIEGESLAUF. (tear)

DDR, Stemplet helsag
1961. DDR, 10 Pf. Postkarte cancelled MÜNCHENBERNSDORF (THÜR) IN ALLER WELT BEKANNT Thüringer Teppiche 25.10.61. Interesting advertisement for carpets.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1906. DANMARK. 5 øre envelope from JOHANN WEIMANN ODENSE DANMARK. LEATHER CLOTHING from ODENSE 2.8.06 as printed matter to Berlin. Unusual and early advertisement envelope.

Frankrig, Michel 702+, Klip
1946. REP. FRANCAISE Part of envelope with 3 stamps including 25 Fr. Marianne. Registered. Sender VOGUE as IMPRIMES to Oslo, Norge. Unusual.

Schweiz, Michel 1726, Postfrisk -MNH
2000. HELVETIA. St. Galler Stickerei. Stickgarn auf Satin. 5 FRANKEN.

USA, Postfrisk -MNH