4 RBS. Ferslew

Danmark, Michel 1I, Stemplet
1851. DANMARK. 4 R.B.S. chocolate-brown. Ferslew print. Fine pair cancelled 25.
Scott 2a
Afa 1

Danmark, Michel 1I, Klip
1851. DANMARK. 4 R.B.S. chocolate-brown. Ferslew print. Mute cancel. Fine shade.
Scott 2a
Afa 1

Danmark, Michel 1I, Klip
1851. DANMARK. 4 R.B.S. chocolate-brown. Ferslew print. Mute cancel. Fold.
Scott 2a
Afa 1

Michel 1I, Brev
1851. DANMARK. 4 R.B.S. chocolate-brown. Ferslew print . Nice cover to Skagen cancelled with mute cancel on the front and KJØBENHAVN 10 5 1851 Very very early cover to Skagen. Only few known. The contents mention Teneriffa Madeira.
Scott 2a
Afa 1

Danmark, Michel 1I, Klip
1851. Fire R.B.S. chokoladebrun. Ferslew. Smukt stumt stempel. Ferslev I/73.
Scott 2a
Afa 1