Tk. 13x12½
Udvalgte JF-items

Danmark, Michel 15A, Brev
1864. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 16 Skilling . Perf. 13x12½. Fine parcel card/cover to Börgesen, Silkegade No 15. Hjørnet af Pilestræde. Kjöbenhavn. Hermed 1 Pap--Æske med Adresse Betalt 16. Cancelled nummeral cancel 65 + SLAGELSE 24 7. Interesting and unusual.
Scott 15
Afa 15

Danmark, Michel 11 ND, Udgivet uden gummi
1886. Nytryk. Krone & Cepter. 2 sk. Tête Bêche par.
Scott 11 RP 1886
Afa N 11

Danmark, Michel 12 ND, Udgivet uden gummi
1886. Nytryk. Krone & Cepter. 3 sk. Lilla. Tête Bêche par.
Scott 12 RP 1886
Afa N 12

Danmark, Michel 14 ND, Udgivet uden gummi
1886. Nytryk. Krone & Cepter. 8 sk. Gulbrun. Tête Bêche par.
Scott 14 RP 1886
Afa N 14

Danmark, Michel 15 ND 1, Udgivet uden gummi
1886. Nytryk. Krone & Cepter. 16 sk. Oliven Tête Bêche par.
Scott 15 RP 1886
Afa N 15

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ very fine stamp.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 12A, Stemplet
1865. DAMARK. Large Oval Type. 3 Skilling lilac-rose. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled 27 Hobro. Tear.
Scott 12
Afa 12

Danmark, Michel 13Aa, Stemplet
1865. Large Oval Type. 4 Skilling bright red. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled 1.
Scott 13
Afa 13

Danmark, Michel 13AB, Stemplet
1865. Large Oval Type. 4 Skilling bkarmin. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled in Sweden with MALMÖ ...
Scott 13
Afa 13

Danmark, Michel 14A, Stemplet
1868. Large Oval Type. 8 Skilling yellow-brown. Perf. 13x12½. Fine stamp.
Scott 14
Afa 14

Danmark, Michel 15A, Stemplet
1864. Large Oval Type. 16 Skilling greenish dark grey. Perf. 13x12½ beautiful stamp. Cancelled 17 FREDERICIA.
Scott 15
Afa 15

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled 28.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled 1
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ eneven perforation.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ cut
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ cut
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ cancelled 227.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ eneven perforation.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ defect.
Scott 11
Afa 11

Danmark, Michel 11A, Stemplet
1865. DANMARK. Large Oval Type. 2 Skilling blue. Perf. 13x12½ eneven perforation.
Scott 11
Afa 11