1905 - 1930. Bølgelinie med hjerter
Udvalgte JF-items
Danmark, Michel 64, Brev
1912. DANMARK. Numeral. 10 Øre carmine-pink. Solo on envelope to Assens cancelled KJBENHAVN K. K. B. 2.12.12. Reverse arrival cancel ASSENS 3.12.12.
Scott 62
Afa 65
Danmark, Michel 78 , Brev
1916. DANMARK. 2 ØRE wavy-line on local printed matter (Tryksager) cancelled ASSENS 15.2.16.
Afa 69
Danmark, Ustemplet helsag
1915. DANMARK. BREVKORT 3 ØRE WAVY LINE with very rare variety partly missing hearts. Very unusual.
Danmark, Michel 54, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1910. DANMARK. Postcard: Motive: HILSEN FRA DANMARK and stamps including Frederik VIII. 10 ØRE cancelled AKJØBENHAVN 30.8.10 to USA. Beautiful card.
Danmark, Stemplet
1932. DANMARK. 5 ØRE LUXUS cancelled ALS ØSTJ. 27.6.32.
Danmark, Michel 44A , Postfrisk -MNH
1905. DANMARK. Numeral. 3 Øre grey. Perf. 12 3/4. Fine 4-block never hinged.
Scott 59
Afa 44
Danmark, Michel 63, Postfrisk -MNH
1912. Numeral. 5 Øre dark green. Beautiful centered 4-block never hinged.
Scott 61
Afa 64
Danmark, Michel 64, Postfrisk -MNH
1912. DANMARK. Numeral. 10 Øre carmine-pink. BEAUTIFUL NEVER HINGED 4-BLOCK.
Scott 62
Afa 65
Danmark, Michel 64, Postfrisk -MNH
1912. DANMARK. Numeral. 10 Øre carmine-pink. BEAUTIFUL NEVER HINGED 4-BLOCK.
Scott 62
Afa 65
Danmark, Michel 64, Postfrisk -MNH
Scott 62
Afa 65
Danmark, Michel 65, Postfrisk -MNH
1912. DANMARK. Numeral. 20 Øre. Fine 4-block never hinged.
Scott 64
Afa 66
Danmark, Michel 79a, Postfrisk -MNH, Hængslet - MH
1913. Numeral. 3 Øre grey. Perf. 14x14½. Fine4-block with 2 stamps never hinged and 2 stamps hinged.
Scott 87
Afa 79
Danmark, Michel 79a, Postfrisk -MNH, Hængslet - MH
1913. Numeral. 3 Øre grey. Perf. 14x14½. Fine 4-block never hinged.
Scott 87
Afa 79
Danmark, Michel 79a, Postfrisk -MNH, Hængslet - MH
1913. Numeral. 3 Øre grey. Perf. 14x14½. Fine 4-block never hinged.
Scott 87
Afa 79
Michel 77, Postfrisk -MNH
1914. DANMARK. Numeral. 1 Øre orange. Perf. 14x14½ in never hinged 4-block with left margin.
Scott 85
Afa 77
Danmark, Michel 78 , Stemplet
1933. DANMARK. 2 ØRE wavy-line with fine cancel from Sweden: MALMÖ 2.33
Afa 69
Danmark, Michel 167+, Klip
1927. DANMARK. Wavyline 4 ex 12 ØRE + 2 ØRE on small piece from parcel card cancelled with star cancel SJÆLLANDS ODDE. + NYKØBING 15 4 27.
Danmark, Michel 78 , Stemplet
1915. DANMARK. 3-stripe 2 ØRE wavy-line cancelled star cancel SKOPEN.
Afa 69
Danmark, Michel 42-45, Stemplet helsag
1911. DANMARK. BREVKORT 5 ØRE Frederik VIII together with 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 RE wavy line to Germany cancelled GUDHJEM 17.8.09. Beautiful colour combination.
Danmark, Stemplet
1930. DANMARK. 5 ØRE LUXUS cancelled HARBOØRE 5.12.32.
Danmark, Stemplet
1930. DANMARK. 5 ØRE LUXUS cancelled JEBJERG 20.9.32.