1907. Frederik VIII

Danmark, Michel 53, Stemplet
1907. DANMARK. Fine ship cancel: Fra Færöerne on pair 5 ØRE Frederik VIII

Danmark, Michel 53, Stemplet
1912. DANMARK. Luxus cancel from Sweden PKXP 83. B. 18 1 1912 on 5 øre Frederik VIII.

Danmark, Michel 53, Stemplet
1912. DANMARK. Fine cancel from Sweden PKXP 8? 9 8 1910 on 5 øre Frederik VIII.

Danmark, Michel 53, Stemplet
1912. DANMARK. Fine cancel from Sweden PKXP No ? 26 5 1912 on 5 øre Frederik VIII.

Danmark, Michel 53, Stemplet
1907. King Frederik VIII. 5 Øre green. Extra large stamp with huge perf at bottom.
Scott 72
Afa 54

Danmark, Ustemplet postkort
1900. DANMARK. Postcard: Early type. Motive: Different Danish stamps in profile including Christian IX and Frederik VIII. Map over Denmark. Beautiful card.

Danmark, Michel 54, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1910. DANMARK. Postcard: Motive: HILSEN FRA DANMARK and stamps including Frederik VIII. 10 ØRE cancelled AKJØBENHAVN 30.8.10 to USA. Beautiful card.

Danmark, Michel 53, Postfrisk -MNH
1907. King Frederik VIII. 5 Øre green. Beautiful centered 4-block never hinged.
Scott 72
Afa 54

Danmark, Michel 59+, Klip
1907. King Frederik VIII. Selection with 40+ stamps mainly 100 Øre on cut from parcelcards.
Scott 78+
Afa 59+

Danmark, Michel 59+, Klip
1907. King Frederik VIII. Selection with 40+ stamps mainly 100 Øre on cut from parcelcards.
Scott 78+
Afa 59+

Danmark, Michel 59+, Klip
1907. King Frederik VIII. Selection with 40+ stamps mainly 100 Øre on cut from parcelcards.
Scott 78+
Afa 59+

Danmark, Michel 59+, Klip
1907. King Frederik VIII. Selection with 40+ stamps mainly 100 Øre on cut from parcelcards.
Scott 78+
Afa 59+

Danmark, Michel 55, Brev
1909. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. Pair 20 Øre + 5 Øre as 45 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Sweden from HURUP 23.4.09. Transit cancel KJÖBENHAVN 24.4.09. Arrival cancels reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 26.4.09 + SUNDSVALL 28 4 1909. Tull 45 ôre. Sender Fotografisk Reproduktions og Forstörrelses anstalt, Expres, Hurup, Danmark.
Scott 74
Afa 56

Danmark, Michel 55, Brev
1910. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. 20 Øre + 25 Øre as 45 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Häggatorp, Sweden from HURUP 7.9.10. Transit cancel KJÖBENHAVN 8.9.10. Arrival cancel reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 8 9 10 + SUNDSVALL 28 4 1909. Tull 500 Kr 60 öre (I hope it was a mistake). Sender Fotografisk Reproduktions og Forstörrelses anstalt, Expres, Hurup, Danmark.
Scott 74
Afa 56

Danmark, Michel 55+, Brev
1907. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. Pair 20 Øre + 50 Øre as 90 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Sweden from KJÖBENHAVN 23.12.07 P. K. P. Arrival cancel reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 24.12.07. Sender Nordisk Films Kompagni.
Scott 74+
Afa 56+

Danmark, Michel 58, Brev
1908. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. 50 Øre + 10 Øre as 60 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Laholm, Sweden from KJÖBENHAVN 23.8.08. Tull 9 Kr.

Danmark, Michel 55, Brev
1908. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. 3 ex 20 Øre + 3 ex 5 Øre as 75 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Avesta, Sweden from HURUP 15.1.08. Transit cancel KJÖBENHAVN 17.1.08. Arrival cancels reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 17.1.08 + AVESTA 18 1 1908. Tull 1 Kr. 05 ôre. Sender Fotografisk Reproduktions og Forstörrelses anstalt, Expres, Hurup, Danmark.
Scott 74
Afa 56

Danmark, Michel 55, Brev
1910. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. 3 ex 20 Øre + 10 + 5 Øre as 75 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Abbeshult, Wrå Postst, Sweden from KJÖBENHAVN 30.9.10. Arrival cancels reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 1.10.10. Sender Harald Børgesen, Sportsforretning, København.
Scott 74
Afa 56

Danmark, Michel 56, Brev
1908. DANMARK. King Frederik VIII. 3-stripe 25 Øre as 75 øre franking on Adressebrev (fold) to Malmö, Sweden from KJÖBENHAVN 28.11.08. Arrival cancels reverse from MALMÖ PAK. UTR 29.11.08. Sender Heinrich Matthiasens Kunstforlag, København.

Danmark, Michel 42-45, Stemplet helsag
1911. DANMARK. BREVKORT 5 ØRE Frederik VIII together with 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 RE wavy line to Germany cancelled GUDHJEM 17.8.09. Beautiful colour combination.