1940 - 1949

Danmark, Michel 255 II, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 15 on 40 ØRE Caravelle type II never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 261, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 15 ØRE Caravelle in never hinged 4-block with upper left margin. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 262, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 20 ØRE Caravelle in never hinged 4-block with upper left margin. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 205 II, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 30 ØRE Caravelle type II in never hinged 4-block with upper left margin. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 256, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 20 on 15 ØRE Caravelle never hinged 3-block.

Danmark, Michel 257, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 40 on 30 ØRE Caravelle in 4-block with 2 stamps hinged and 2 stamps never hinged.

Danmark, Michel 206 II, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 35 ØRE Caravelle type II in never hinged 4-block with upper left margin. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 263, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 40 ØRE Caravelle type II in never hinged 4-block with upper left margin. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 255 I, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 15 on 40 ØRE Caravelle type I never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 258, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 6 ØRE never hinged 4-block with upper margin 434. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 259, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 7 ØRE never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 260, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 8 ØRE never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 246c, Postfrisk -MNH
1948. DANMARK 10 ØRE type II gray violet never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 246a, Postfrisk -MNH
1948. DANMARK 10 ØRE type I dark violet never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 253, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 6 on 7 ØRE never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel 254 II, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. DANMARK 6 on 8 ØRE type II never hinged 4-block. LUXUS QUALITY.

Danmark, Michel H-Blatt 13, Brev
1942. DANMARK. Interesting censored envelope to Braunschweig with 4-block from booklet with pair10+5 Øre Alexandrine and pair 10 Øre cancelled with special cancel RINGSTED FRIMÆRKEUDSTILLINGEN 1. MARTS 1942. German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht f and red censor cancel Geprüft Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

Danmark, Michel 299, Stemplet
1947. DANMARK. 1 D-Güterzug-Schlepptenderlokomotive BR H des DSB. 20 øre LUXUS cancel KØBENHAVN OMK. 30 6 FEB 1948.

Danmark, Michel 277, Postfrisk -MNH
1944. DANMARK. Christian X 60 Øre in 4-block 605 with margin never hinged.

Danmark, Michel 274, Postfrisk -MNH
1945. DANMARK. Christian X 35 Øre in 4-block 602 with margin never hinged.

Danmark, Michel 271, Postfrisk -MNH
1942. DANMARK. Christian X 20 Øre in 4-block 538 with margin never hinged.