Udvalgte JF-items
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in 9block cancelled GRINDSTED 17.10.24. Unusual block.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in 5block.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in 6block.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in 4block.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in pair.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P6, Stemplet
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 25 Øre brown/black in pair.
Afa P6
Danmark, Michel P17, Stemplet
1921. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Wavy-line. 1 Kr. blue in 4-BLOCK cancelled GRINDSTED.
Afa P15
Danmark, Michel P13, Stemplet
1928. Postage Due. Porto. 10 Øre gren in 8block cancelled GRIDSTED 19.8.25.
Afa P12
Danmark, Michel P7, Stemplet
1921. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 50 Øre wine red/black. in pair cancelled GRINDSTED 12.1.23.
Afa P7
Danmark, Michel P7, Stemplet
1921. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 50 Øre wine red/black. in 3stripe cancelled GRINDSTED 1.7.25.
Afa P7
Danmark, Michel P7, Stemplet
1921. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Chr. X. 50 Øre wine red/black. in 3stripe with some lose perfs.
Afa P7
Danmark, Michel P13, Stemplet
1928. Postage Due. Porto. 10 Øre gren in 18block cancelled GRIDSTED 19.8.25.
Afa P12
Danmark, Michel P13, Stemplet
1928. Postage Due. Porto. 10 Øre gren in 3stripe cancelled GRIDSTED 17.3.24.
Afa P12
Danmark, Michel P14, Stemplet
1924. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. 20 Øre blue in 15block cancelled GRINDSTED 7.9.27. Unusual block.
Afa P13
Danmark, Brev, Stemplet helsag
1913-1967. DANMARK. LILLE SKJENSKVED på 5 øre brevkort Frederik VIII + LILLE-SKENSVED på 25 øre brevkort Frederik IX + LILLE-SKENSVED på porto-kuvert 1967.
Danmark, MICHEL Porto 28, Stemplet
HØJSLEV KIRKEBY on small 4-BLOCK 10 ØRE PORTO. Very unusual cancel.
Rusland, Michel 40, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1904. RUSSIA. CARTE POSTALE (Steamer waiting for passagers). Interesting card with 4 KOP to Denmark cancelled at arrival KJØBENHAVN 19.8.04. Unusual card. Postage due marking in blue 24.
Rusland, Michel 40, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1904. RUSSIA. CARTE POSTALE (Escadre de Grand-Ocean No 11 Ascolde croiseur 1 rang). Interesting card with 4 KOP to Denmark cancelled at arrival KJØBENHAVN 19.4.04. Unusual card. The text mention that the card show one of the ships many have been thinking on lately. Historical card.
Danmark, Michel 122, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1922. DANMARK. King Christian X. 25 Øre red single on beautiful postcard (København Parti fra Raadhuspladsen) to Duisburg, Germany cancelled KJØBENHAVN 8.3.22. Postage due cancels T 37½ ctm, Porto and two markings in blue with 240 and 300. Interesting.
Scott 108
Afa 126
Marokko, Michel 14+ , Brev
1924. MAROC. Interesting cover (tears) and letter from soldier in the The French Foreign Legion (French: Légion étrangère) to Denmark dated 29. IV. 24. Postage due 27 øre from Denmark with 7 øre Chr. X + 20 øre Interesting reading and fine small drawings. Unusual.
Danmark, Michel P15 SPECIMEN, Hængslet - MH
1923. DANMARK. Postage Due. Porto. Wavy-line. 25 Øre red in RARE hinged. stamp overprinted SPECIMEN. Partly removed pencil line. Very unusual.