
Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1910. DANMARK. 5 øre wrapper Frederik VIII + extra 5 øre Frederik VIII to an extremely rare destination: Lubango, Portug. West Africa and there forwarded to Loanda in Angola. Maybe unique destination.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1919. DANMARK. 2 øre wrapper with 3-stripe 1 øre cancelled STRUER 10.9.19 to Madrid, Spain. Unusual destination.

Danmark, Ustemplet helsag
1919. DANMARK. 5 on 2 øre wavy-line wrapper. With watermark.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1906. DANMARK. 5 øre Christian IX wrapper to Finska Kennelklubben, Järnvägsstyrelsen cancelled KJØBENHAVN II 15 8. Sender Maanedsskriftet Hunden. Dogs. Interesting.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1920. DANMARK. 7 øre wrapper Christian X (print 28.-I) from KJØBENHAVN 21.2.20 to Haarslev sogneraad pr. Gamby. Reverse arrival cancel GAMBY 22.2.20.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1890. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms hand cut wrapper extra large from KJØBENHAVN 27 5 to Bremen. Unusual green blue shade.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1880. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms small corner numerals hand cut double wrapper from KJØBENHAVN 5 5 to Berlin. Fold. Very unusual.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1893. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper issue of 9 October recalled and machine cut. Cancelled AARHUS 10.11.93 and reverse at arrival LOIMIJOKI FINLAND 15 XI 93. Unusual destination.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1890. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper issue of 9 October recalled and machine cut. Cancelled HALS 18 8 2POST to Lübeck.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1890. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut. One Cancelled FREDERIKSHAVN 18.2.06 to Germany? and the other from VEILE 20.6.06 to Hamburg.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1896. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut. Very dark shade cancelled KJØBENHAVN K B 17 7 to Leith, Scotland. Unusual destination.

Danmark, Ustemplet helsag
1896. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut. Very light shade.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1900. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN K K 28.9.00 to Albano, Sverige.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1902. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut + extra 5 øre. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN 22.9.02 to Leipzig, Tyskland.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1890. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut. Very dark shade cancelled KJØBENHAVN-VALBY 1 9 2POST to Lund, Sverige. Beautiful quality. Arrival cancel LUND 1 9 90 reverse.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1890. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper machine cut pale shade + extra 5 øre. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN 11 12 to Bonn a Rhein, Tyskland.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1897. DANMARK. 5 øre Coat of arms wrapper hand cut. Cancelled KJØBENHAVN 18.9.97 to Agnesberg, Sverige.