Udvalgte JF-items
Norge, Michel 202+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored envelope with 2 ex 30 ØRE Turism (Sunnfjord) and 20 ØRE
Lion to Hamburg, Deutschland MED LUFTPOST cancelled OSLO MAJORSTUA 23 4 41. German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel in red.
Norge, Michel 184+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored registered envelope with 4 ex 20 ØRE and 10 ØRE
Lion to Reichsstelle für Fische, Berlin, Deutschland MED LUFTPOST cancelled STAVANGER 27 VI 41. German censor cancel Ab in red. Sender A/S HERMETIKKFABRIKKENES KIPPERSCENTRAL STAVANGER. Historical interesting cover indicating the trade of fish from Norway to Germany during WW2.
Norge, Michel 237+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored envelope to Helsingör, Danmark with very unusual Posthorn franking with 3 ex 1 ØRE, 2 ex 2 ØRE, 2 ex 3 ØRE and 2 ex 1 ØRE overprinted V and 5 ØRE overprinted V all cancelled OSLO MAJORSTUA 29.12.41. Red Danish censor cancel Post og Telegrafvæsenet I Danmark and German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel. Impressive 20 ØRE franking.
Sverige, Michel 213+, Brev
1937. SVERIGE. _Very fine cover with 5 öre POST and pair 10 öre LUFTPOST to Oslo, Norge cancelled STOCKHOLM-OSLO FÖRSTA POSTFLYG 21.6.37 + reverse at arrival BUREAU D´ ECHANGE D´OSLO 21 VI 37.
Sverige, Michel 229+, Stemplet helsag
1937. SVERIGE. _Very fine 15 ÖRE GUSTAV V BREVKORT MED BETALT SVAR with 5 öre POST by LUFTPOST to Oslo , Norge cancelled STOCKHOLM-OSLO FÖRSTA POSTFLYG 21.6.37 + reverse at arrival BUREAU D´ ECHANGE D´OSLO 21 VI 37.
Sverige, Michel 239, Brev
1937. SVERIGE. _Fine cover with 50 öre BROMMA LUFTPOST to Oslo, Norge cancelled STOCKHOLM-OSLO FÖRSTA POSTFLYG 21.6.37 + reverse at arrival BUREAU D´ ECHANGE D´OSLO 21 VI 37.
Sverige, Michel 239, Brev
1937. SVERIGE. _Fine cover with 50 öre BROMMA LUFTPOST to Oslo, Norge cancelled STOCKHOLM-OSLO FÖRSTA POSTFLYG 21.6.37 + reverse at arrival OSLO 21 VI 37.
Sverige, Michel 213-214, Brev
1938. SVERIGE. _Fine LUFTPOST REGISTERED cover with 10 + 50 öre LUFTPOST to Schweiz cancelled STOCKHOLM-ZÜRICH LUFTPOST 17.10.38 + ZÜRICH LUFTPOST 17.X.38 and reverse at arrival RÜSCHLIKON 13.X.38.
Norge, Michel A 136, Brev
1941. NORGE. 45 ØRE LUFTPOST on censored cover to Berlin cancelled OSLO 2 5. 41. MED LUFTPOST. German early brown censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht + red censor cancel.
Norge, Michel 136 II, Brev
1935. NORGE. 45 ØRE LUFTPOST Michel type II on cover to Oslo via Tromsø cancelled STVANGER 6 VII 35. Manuscript pr. Ternen til og fra Tromsø. MED LUFTPOST.
Finland, Michel 203, Brev
1937. FINLAND. 2 MARKKAA MENNERHEIM on cover Med 1:sta postflyg HELSINKI-STOCKHOLM-OSLO cancelled HELSINKI AVION 20 VI. 37 + at arrival OSLO 21 5 37. Unusual flight. Par avion. Reverse cancelled OSLO 21.6.37 + STOCKHOLM FLYG 20.6.37.
Norge, Michel 283+, Brev
1946. NORGE. 15 + 40 + 60 ØRE London-issue on cover Par vol special KLM Amsterdam - Johannesburg cancelled OSLO 2 10 46 + AMSTERDAN 6 OCT 1946 NEDERLAND-ZUID-AFRIKA. Reverse boc cancel Holland Afrika Lijn Agentschap JOHANNESBURG 8 OCTOBER 1946.
Norge, Michel 281, Brev
1946. NORGE. 4 ex 30 ØRE London-issue on cover Par vol special KLM Amsterdam - Johannesburg cancelled OSLO 2 10 46 + AMSTERDAN 6 OCT 1946 NEDERLAND-ZUID-AFRIKA. Reverse boc cancel Holland Afrika Lijn Agentschap JOHANNESBURG 8 OCTOBER 1946.
Norge, Michel 264+, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1951. NORGE. 40 ØRE SNORRE STURLASON + 30 + 14 ØRE on official SAS postcard (motive Skandinavisk samarbeid) cancelled FIRST FLIGHT OSLO-TOKYO 25TH OF APRIL 1951 SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM + OSLO 24 4 51 and in Japan TOKYO JAPAN 28.4.51.
Norge, Michel 259+, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1951. NORGE. 10 ØRE SNORRE STURLASON + 6 other stamps ØRE on card cancelled FIRST FLIGHT OSLO-TOKYO 25TH OF APRIL 1951 SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM + OSLO 24 4 51 and reverse in Japan TOKYO JAPAN 28.4.51. Retour.
Norge, Michel 276+, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1947. NORGE. 2 ex 5 ØRE SLEIPNER + 10+10 + pair 20+10 ØRE RED CROSS on postcard Första Tur /Primer Vuelo Skandinavian - Sydamerika cancelled OSLO 21 2 47 and reverse RIO DE JANERRO BRASIL 25 FEV 1947. Retur 18/8-47.
Norge, Michel 153+, Brev
1939. NORGE. 15 ØRE NIDAROS DOMKIRKE + 30 ØRE ABEL on small cover cancelled LUFTPOSTRUTEN OSLO - AMSTERDAM 1-6-1939 1STE TUR + OSLO 1-6-39.
Norge, Michel 200+, Brev
1939. NORGE. 15 ØRE + 20 ØRE TURISME on small cover cancelled LUFTPOSTRUTEN OSLO - AMSTERDAM 1-6-1939 1STE TUR + KRISTIANSAND LUFTHAMN 1 6 39.Med flyg Kristiansand-Oslo. .
Norge, Michel 151+, Brev
1939. NORGE. 20 ØRE OLAF + 15 ØRE ABEL + 10 ØRE HOLBERG on small cover cancelled LUFTPOSTRUTEN OSLO - AMSTERDAM 1-6-1939 1STE TUR + OSLO 1-6-39. Reverse AMSTERDAM-CENTRALSTATION 1. VI 1939.
Norge, Michel 163-165, Brev
1939. NORGE. 20 + 15 + 10 ØRE HOLBERG on small cover cancelled LUFTPOSTRUTEN OSLO - AMSTERDAM 1-6-1939 1STE TUR + OSLO 1-6-39. Reverse AMSTERDAM-CENTRALSTATION 1. VI 1939.
Norge, Michel 154+, Brev
1938. NORGE. 1 + 7 ØRE POSTHORN + 14 ØRE 14 on 2 SKILL on small cover cancelled LUFTPOSTRUTEN TROMSØ-KIRKENES 2-7-1938 1STE SYDTUR + KIRKENES 2 VII 38. Luftpost Kirkenes - Tromsø.