Militærpost og censur
Udvalgte JF-items

Norge, Brev
1944. Brev til Berlin fra Feldpost No. 45984 Heeres Küsten Artellerie Regiment 372 i Tromsø 10.3.44. Brev og avisartikel inkluderet.

Norge, Michel 202+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored envelope with 2 ex 30 ØRE Turism (Sunnfjord) and 20 ØRE
Lion to Hamburg, Deutschland MED LUFTPOST cancelled OSLO MAJORSTUA 23 4 41. German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel in red.

Norge, Michel 184+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored registered envelope with 4 ex 20 ØRE and 10 ØRE
Lion to Reichsstelle für Fische, Berlin, Deutschland MED LUFTPOST cancelled STAVANGER 27 VI 41. German censor cancel Ab in red. Sender A/S HERMETIKKFABRIKKENES KIPPERSCENTRAL STAVANGER. Historical interesting cover indicating the trade of fish from Norway to Germany during WW2.

Norge, Michel 237+, Brev
1941. NORGE. Fine censored envelope to Helsingör, Danmark with very unusual Posthorn franking with 3 ex 1 ØRE, 2 ex 2 ØRE, 2 ex 3 ØRE and 2 ex 1 ØRE overprinted V and 5 ØRE overprinted V all cancelled OSLO MAJORSTUA 29.12.41. Red Danish censor cancel Post og Telegrafvæsenet I Danmark and German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel. Impressive 20 ØRE franking.

Norge, Michel 280, Brev
1945. NORGE. Very interesting original letter where Orlogskaptain Ernst W. Schramm express his gratitude to Hr. Poul Hauton and the Danish people in general. What Hauton and the danes have done for the Norwegians during this tuff time and after the peace is something Norway never vil forget. Franking 20 ØRE VI VIL VINNE and norwegian censor tape ÅPNET AV KONTROLLÖR 434. The letter is dated Oslo den 30. Juli 1945. Historical document.

Norge, Michel 181, Brev
1945. NORGE. Very interesting original letter where the wife to a norwegian prissoner of war express her gratitude to Hr. Poul Hauton for the parcel sent. She express clearly that without these parcel would her husbond not have done so well in the camps. Further she describe the time after the liberation the 7th May and that it is completely indescribable that five years of nightmares are over. Franking 2 ex 10 ØRE Lion and norwegian censor tape ÅPNET AV KONTROLLÖR 681. The letter is cancelled LILLEHAMMER 28.6.45. Historical document.

Norge, Michel 184, Brev
1944. NORGE. Very interesting original letter where a wife express her gratitude to Hr. Poul Hauton for the parcel sent. Franking 20 ØRE Lion and brown neutral German censor tape and cancel Ao. The letter is dated LILLEHAMMER 18.9.44. Historical document.

Norge, Michel 184, Brev
1945. NORGE. Very interesting late censored cover (rust) to Denmark cancelled BERGEN NORSK FRONT 11.4.45. Franking 20 ØRE Lion and German censor tape Geöffnet Zensurstelle o and cancel Geprüft.

Norge, Brev
1943. NORGE. Very interesting cover to Firma EUROPA Europæisk Pakke Forsendelse, KRUSAA PADBORG DANMARK cancelled with red slogan cancel A/S Haugesunds Livsforsikringsselskap HAUGESUND 13 5 43 NORGE POST 20 RE. Censor cancels Ao and Ak. Europæisk Pakke Forsendelse delivered many parcels to prisonners of war in the different camps, based on orders from both relatives to the prisonners and orders from stranges who just wanted to help. Historical cover.

Norge, Michel 292-294, Brev
1944. NORGE. Very fine small registered envelope with complete set LANDSHJELPEN cancelled ARENDAL 23 3 44 to Hamburg Altona, Germany. Censor cancel Ab. Reverse arrival cancel HAMBURG ALTONA 31 3 44.

Norge, Michel 271, Brev
1944. NORGE. Fine envelope to Sverige with 20+30 ØRE Quisling RIKSTINGET 1942 cancelled OSLO 26.9.42. . Censor cancel Ao. Sender SKAARS FILMBYRÅ, OSLO.

Norge, Michel 271, Brev
1944. NORGE. Fine registered envelope to Schweiz with pair 20+30 ØRE Quisling RIKSTINGET 1942 + 20 ØRE SNORRE STURLASON cancelled first day of issue NESBYEN 26 9 42. Censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel. Reverse arrival cancel ZOLLIKON 8 X 42.

Norge, Michel 271, Brev
1944. NORGE. Fine registered envelope to Schweiz with pair 20+30 ØRE Quisling RIKSTINGET 1942 + 20 ØRE SNORRE STURLASON cancelled first day of issue NESBYEN 26 9 42. Censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and red censor cancel Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Briefstempel. Reverse arrival cancel ZOLLIKON 8 X 42.

Norge, Michel 278-283, Brev
1943. NORGE. Fine envelope with 10, 15, 20, 30 40 and 60 ØRE London issue cancelled with box cancel 3 AUG 1943 1 4 NORSK SKIPSPOST HANDELSFLÅDEN.

Norge, Michel 278-283, Brev
1943. NORGE. Fine envelope with 10, 15, 20, 30 40 and 60 ØRE London issue cancelled with box cancel 3 AUG 1943 1 4 NORSK SKIPSPOST HANDELSFLÅDEN.

Norge, Michel 278-283, Brev
1943. NORGE. Fine envelope with 10, 15, 20, 30 40 and 60 ØRE London issue cancelled with box cancel 3 AUG 1943 1 NORSK SKIPSPOST HANDELSFLÅDEN.

Norge, Michel 278-283, Brev
1943. NORGE. Fine envelope with 10, 15, 20, 30 40 and 60 ØRE London issue cancelled with box cancel 7 JUN 1943 24 NORSK SKIPSPOST HANDELSFLÅDEN.

Norge, MICHEL 249, Brev
1941. NORGE. Very interesting envelope with 35 ØRE Lion overprinted V and cancelled TRONDHEIM 18.9.41 to Skodsborg, Danmark. Sender from Dane in camp L. VI B4 Stue 8, Postboks 149 Trondhjem, Norge. Reverse brown censor tape and the rare German Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht t used in Trondheim. Historical cover.

Norge, MICHEL 181, Brev
1941. NORGE. Very interesting censored envelope with 2 ex 10 ØRE Lion cancelled RINNAN 3 10 44 to Danmark. Brown censor tape and cancel Ao.

Norge, MICHEL 184, Brev
1941. NORGE. Very interesting censored envelope with 20 ØRE Lion cancelled LEVANGER 26 8 44 to Danmark. Brown censor tape and cancel Ao.

Norge, MICHEL 184, Brev
1941. NORGE. Very interesting censored envelope with 20 ØRE Lion cancelled LEVANGER 29 7 44 to Danmark. Brown censor tape and cancel Ao.