Kjøbenhavns Telefon Kiosker

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1898. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. 5 øre cancelled TELEFON NØRRE ... on reverse of 8 øre envelope (tears) from KJØBENHAVN K 6.9.98 to Asminde, Silkeborg arrival cancel SILKEBORG 6.9.98. Very rae used on envelopes.

Danmark, Dokument
1911. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 28/4 1911 Kl. 9.25 FORM. Beautiful motive with Kronborg and the coast and water around it. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1906. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 23/9 1906 Kl. 12.50 Efterm. Beautiful maritime motive with the coast and a number of sailships and even a house almost at the beach. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29,5 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1906. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 23/9 1906 Kl. 4.20 Eftm. Beautiful motive with flowers painted by FKraul. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1906. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 23/9 1906 Kl. 1.57 Eftm. Very beautiful motive with flowers painted by Dohlmann. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1915. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 21/3 1915 Kl. 2Eftm. Very fine motive with København in profile seen from the lakes. Rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1915. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 21/3 1915 Kl. 1.20 Efterm. Beautiful motive from a church and impressive print in red, blue and gold. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1906. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 23/9 1906 Kl. 3.48 Efterm. Beautiful jugend type motive with flowers surrounding the statue of Absalon. Painted of S. Clod Svensson. The equestrian statue of Absalon on Højbro Plads in Copenhagen was unveiled in 1902 to mark the 700 years' anniversary of the death of Bishop Absalon. Very rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1906. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 23/9 1906 Kl. 6 Efterm. Very basic telegram but still rare. Size ca. 22 x 29 cm.

Danmark, Dokument
1916. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. Lykønskningstelegram 13/5 1916 kl. 4.10 EFTM. Unusual.

Danmark, Dokument
1898. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFON AKTIESELSKAB. Lykønsknings telegram 20/11 98. Beautiful combination of black, red and gold. Very unusual

Danmark, Dokument
1907. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVNS TELEFONKIOSKER. Lykønsknings-telegram 6/10 1907 kl. 1.40 Form. Unusual.

Danmark, Dokument
1903. DANMARK. A.K.T.K.- KTAS. LYKØNSKNINGS TELEGRAM 20/4 1903 Efterm 6.30. Jugend style flower motives and letters. Berautiful and rare.