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Færøerne, Michel 2+5+, Brev
1943. FAROES. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 1 Øre and 50 Øre on 5 Øre on CENSORED REGISTERED cover (tears) together with 10 ØRE Rundetaarn and 40 ØRE VITUS BERING to England. Cancelled THORSHAVN 6.7.43. Censortape OPENED BY EXAMINER 5222 P.C. 90. Sender A. BREND, HEILSØLA, THORSHAVN. Unusual franking.
Scott 2+5+
Afa 2A+5+

Færøerne, Michel 6+, Brev
1943. FAROES. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre on CENSORED REGISTERED cover together with 10 ØRE Rundetaarn, 40 ØRE VITUS BERING and 10, 15, 20 and 30 ØRE Christian X to England. Cancelled THORSHAVN 14.8.43. Censortape OPENED BY EXAMINER 5219 P.C. 90. Sender A. BREND, HEILSØLA, THORSHAVN. Unusual franking.
Scott 6+
Afa 6+

Færøerne, Michel 6+, Brev
1943. FAROES. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre on CENSORED REGISTERED cover together with 20 on 15 ØRE and 20 on 1 ØRE to England. Cancelled THORSHAVN 22.5.43. Censortape OPENED BY EXAMINER 4341 P.C. 90. Sender A. BREND, HEILSØLA, THORSHAVN. Unusual franking.
Scott 6+
Afa 6+

Færøerne, Michel 5, Klip
KVIVIG. + THORSHAVN 22.3.41 on small piece with 1940. Provisional issue. 50 Øre on 5 Øre wine red i 4-block. Beautiful piece.
Scott 5
Afa 5A

Færøerne, Michel 2-6, Stemplet, Hængslet - MH
1940-1941. Færøprovisorie. Komplet sæt (5 værdier).
Scott 2-6
Afa 2A-6A

Færøerne, Michel 6, Klip
1941. Faroe Islands. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre orange. Fine stamp together with 3 ex 5 øre on small piece cancelled FUGLEFJORD. Reverse cancelled RHORSHAVN 17.5.41.
Scott 6
Afa 6A

Færøerne, Michel 6, Stemplet
1940. Faroe Islands. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre orange. Fine stamp.
Scott 6
Afa 6A

Færøerne, Michel 3, Stemplet
1941. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 5 Øre wine red. folds
Scott 3
Afa 3

Færøerne, Michel 3, Klip
1941. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 5 Øre wine red. on small piece cancelled SKAALEVIG + THORSHAVN 13.5.41.
Scott 3
Afa 3

Færøerne, Michel 3, Klip
1941. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 5 Øre wine red. on small piece cancelled GØTEGJOV.
Scott 3
Afa 3

Færøerne, Michel 3, Klip
1941. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 5 Øre wine red. on small piece cancelled KVIVIK.
Scott 3
Afa 3

Færøerne, Michel 6, Postfrisk -MNH
1940. Faroe Islands. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre orange. Beautiful never hinged stamp with certificate.
Scott 6
Afa 6A

Færøerne, Michel 6, Stemplet
1940. Faroe Islands. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre orange. Beautiful cancelled THORSHAVN 18.6.41 with certificate.
Scott 6
Afa 6A

Færøerne, Michel 4 proof, Brev
1940. Færøprovisorie. 20 Øre på 15 Øre rød Karavel. Prøvetryk Uden bjælke + 20 på 1 øre med højt overtryk på kuvert til Thorshavn fra EJDE. Ankomst stempel THORSHAVN SPIS FÆRØSK KLIPFISK 13.9.41. Sjælden forsendelse og frimærker.
Scott 4 proof
Afa 4 proof

Færøerne, Michel 6+5, Brev
1941. Faroe Islands. Provisional issue. 60 Øre on 6 Øre orange + 50 øre on 5 øre on censored cover cancelled THORSHAVN 15.3.41 + THORSHAVN SPIS FÆRØSK KLIPFISK -15.3.41. to Fredericia, Denmark. by airmail via New York. Both german and British censor labels and cancel. Rare cover.
Scott 6+5
Afa 6A+5

Michel 4, Klip
1940. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 15 Øre red Karavel. MIDVAAG + THORSHAVN 12.2.41
Scott 4
Afa 4

Færøerne, Michel 3, Brev
1941. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 5 Øre wine red. SØRVAAG + THORSHAVN -4.6.41. Reverse sender cancel VAAGØ SYSSEL SØRVAAG.
Scott 3
Afa 3

Michel 4, Brev
1940. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 15 Øre red Karavel. SANDEVAAG + THORSHAVN 8.2.41
Scott 4
Afa 4

Michel 4, Brev
1940. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 15 Øre red Karavel. MYGGENÆS + THORSHAVN 18.2.41 Sender Myggenæs Fyr. Unusual cancel.
Scott 4
Afa 4

Færøerne, Michel 5, Klip
VIDEREJDE. + KLAKSVIG FÆRØERNE 13.3.41 on small piece with 1940. Provisional issue. 50 Øre on 5 Øre wine red.
Scott 5
Afa 5A

Færøerne, Michel 4, Klip
LERVIG and THORSHAVN 4.1.41 on piece with 1940. Provisional issue. 20 Øre on 15 Øre red Karavel + 5 øre.
Scott 4
Afa 4