1940 - Frimærker & FDC
Udvalgte JF-items

Sverige, Michel 338, Stemplet
1955. SVERIGE. 1,40 Kr. 3-crowns issue with luxus cancel SJULSMARK 9. 8. 55.

Sverige, Michel 293, Stemplet
1942. SVERIGE. FOLKSKOLAN 20 öre with LUXUS cancel ORSA 8. 8. 42.

Sverige, Stemplet
1966. SVERIGE. Fine booklet pane with pairs 40 ÖRE, 30 ÖRE and 15 ÖRE cancelled STOCKHOLM 18.4.66.
Michel H-blatt 38

Sverige, Michel 291, Stemplet
1942. SVERIGE. NATIONALMUSEUM 20 öre in pair with __ LUXUS cancel HOTAGEN 20.12.42 POSTOMB. 2.

Sverige, Michel 257, Stemplet
1946. SVERIGE. GUSTAV V 15 öre with __ LUXUS cancel SAPPETSELE 13.7.46 POSTOMB. 2.

Sverige, Michel 311, Stemplet
1945. SVERIGE. RED CROSS 20 öre with __ LUXUS cancel PKP 64 1.9.45.

Sverige, Michel 443, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1958. SVERIGE. Fine photo type postcard (Sunne. D:r Selma Lagerlöfs hem, Mårbacka) with 20 ÖRE Selma Lagerlöf cancelled SUNNE 20.11.58.

Sverige, Michel 438, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1958. SVERIGE. Official postcard from FOTBALL-VM in Sweden cancelled on the openingday HALMSTAD 8.6.58 Fotball-VM. Intersting card from this big sport event in Sweden. Franking 15 ÖRE VM 1958.

Sverige, Michel 388, Brev
1954. SVERIGE. Small envelope with pair 20 ÖRE Gustav VI and pair 20 ÖRE Ski VM cancelled SAS FIRST REGULAR FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-LOS ANGELES VIA GREENLAND 15.11.1954. Retour. Reverse cancelled LOS ANGELES NOV 16 1954.

Sverige, Michel 277, Brev
1940. SVERIGE. Bellman. 5 öre green in 3-stripe perf. on 2 sides on cover cancelled VOLLSJÖ POSTOMB 1 16.1.41.
Scott 310
Afa 283

Sverige, Michel 295, Brev
1943. SVERIGE. Scheele. 5 öre green in 4-stripe perf. on 2 sides on cover cancelled LUND LBR 9.6.43 adressed to soldier: Aspirant 632 Jönnson, 3 Komp. 2 avd. Karlberg, Stockholm.

Sverige, Michel 323DD, Brev
1947. SVERIGE. 4-block TEGNÉR with 3 side perf on interesting luftpost envelope to Bayern, U.S. Besatzungszone cancelled STOCKHOLM 21.7.47 and with red censor cancel US CIVIL CENSORSHIP MUNICH 25.7.47.

Sverige, Michel 327DD, Brev
1947. SVERIGE. Two 4-blocks E. G. GEIJER with 3 side perf on interesting censored luftpost envelope to Bayern, U.S. Besatzungszone cancelled JÖNKÖPING 28 7 47 and with red censor cancel CIVIL CENSORSHIP GERMANY PASSED 10023 + censor tape OPENED BY MIL. CEN.-CIVIL MAILS. Beautiful quality.

Sverige, Michel 323DD, Brev
1947. SVERIGE. 4-block TEGNÉR with 3 side perf on interesting luftpost envelope to Bayern, U.S. Besatzungszone cancelled STOCKHOLM 25.7.47 and with red censor cancel US CIVIL CENSORSHIP MUNICH 30.7.47.

Sverige, Michel 349, Brev
1949. SVERIGE. LÖSEN 5 ÖRE with 5 ÖRE LINGIADEN cancelled SMÅLANDS TABERG 1.10.49 on readressed envelope from RADIOTJÄNST in Stockholm. Red private slogan cancel STOCKHOLM 29 9 49 LÄS RÖSTER I RADIO 15 ÖRE. Reverse transit and arrival cancels from Stockholm and SMÅLANDS TABERG.

Sverige, Michel 239 , Brev
1936. SVERIGE. 50 ÖRE BROMMA. on fine small regsitered FDC BROMMA AERODROM STOCKHOLM 1 23 5 1936.

Sverige, Michel 404, Brev
1957. SVERIGE. Fine AEROGRAM to Tokyo with SAS first flight cancelled SAS FIRST REGULAR FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-TOKYO VIA THE NORTH POLE 24.2.1957. Arrival cancel TOKYO JAPAN 2.II.57 reverse. Boxcancel: Retour. Beautiful franking with 4-stripe 10 ÖRE Flag.

Sverige, Michel 404, Brev
1957. SVERIGE. Fine AEROGRAM to Tokyo with SAS first flight cancelled SAS FIRST REGULAR FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-TOKYO VIA THE NORTH POLE 24.2.1957. Arrival cancel TOKYO JAPAN 2.II.57 reverse. Boxcancel: Retour. Beautiful franking with 4-stripe 10 ÖRE Flag.

Sverige, Michel 404, Brev
1957. SVERIGE. Fine AEROGRAM to Tokyo with SAS first flight cancelled SAS FIRST REGULAR FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-TOKYO VIA THE NORTH POLE 24.2.1957. Arrival cancel TOKYO JAPAN 2.II.57 reverse. Boxcancel: Retour. Beautiful franking with 4-stripe 10 ÖRE Flag.

Sverige, Michel 404, Brev
1957. SVERIGE. Fine AEROGRAM to Tokyo with SAS first flight cancelled SAS FIRST REGULAR FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-TOKYO VIA THE NORTH POLE 24.2.1957. Arrival cancel TOKYO JAPAN 2.II.57 reverse. Boxcancel: Retour. Beautiful franking with 4-stripe 10 ÖRE Flag.

Sverige, Michel 388DD, Brev
1954. SVERIGE. Fine AEROGRAM to Chicago with SAS first flight cancelled SAS FIRST DIRECT FLIGHT STOCKHOLM-CHICAGO 6/6 1954. Arrival cancel CHICAGO JUN7 1954 AIR MAIL FIELD reverse. Franking with 2 ex 20 ÖRE VM skiing.