
Sverige, Michel 349, Brev
1949. SVERIGE. LÖSEN 5 ÖRE with 5 ÖRE LINGIADEN cancelled SMÅLANDS TABERG 1.10.49 on readressed envelope from RADIOTJÄNST in Stockholm. Red private slogan cancel STOCKHOLM 29 9 49 LÄS RÖSTER I RADIO 15 ÖRE. Reverse transit and arrival cancels from Stockholm and SMÅLANDS TABERG.

Østrig, Stemplet helsag
1910. BOSNIEN HERZEGOWINA. 5 HELLER POST-KARTE to Eskilstuna, sweden from MILITÄRKONTINEUR in Herzegovina.. Postage due cancel from Sweden with Lösen 8 öre.

Tyske Stater, Michel 71, Stemplet helsag
1915. BAYERN. 5 Pf Postkarte (print 14) to Sweden dated München 14. März 1915 with Swedisg postage due label LÖSEN 10 ÖRE and 10 ÖRE Gustav V used as postage due stamp. Unusual combination.

Østrig, Stemplet helsag
1910. ÖSTERREICH. 5 HELLER POST-KARTE to Eskilstuna, sweden from KARL SCHONOL, Coiffeur, Wuen (Stiftskasserne) cancelled WIEN 31.1.10. Postage due cancel from Sweden with Lösen 8 öre.

Sverige, Michel P. 1B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 1 öre black. fine cancel DALARÖ 3 5 1890.
Scott J 12
Afa P 1B

Sverige, Michel P. 1B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 1 öre black fine cancel TUMBA.
Scott J 12
Afa P 1B

Sverige, Michel P. 1B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 1 öre black with variety small white spot at top of 1.
Scott J 12
Afa P 1B

Sverige, Michel P. 1B, Uden gummi
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 1 öre black with variety small white spot at top of 1. No gum.
Scott J 12
Afa P 1B

Schweiz, Brev
1924. HELVETIA. Interesting Bulletin d´ expedition (Begleitadresse - Parcelcard) (fold) to Storvik, Schweden Via Sassnitz for a parcel with value Fr. 300.-- (Gold). Postage 5 C Tellknabe, 80 C Helvetia and 3 Fr Die Mythen cancelled ST. GALLEN 15.II.24. Reverse transit cancel LINDAU (Bodensee) 16.2.24. Swedish custom cancel Tull 23 Kr. 10 öre + Postage due label LÖSEN 20 ÖRE. Unusual high value parcelcard.
Michel 142+

Schweiz, Brev
1924. HELVETIA. Interesting Bulletin d´ expedition (Begleitadresse - Parcelcard) (folds) to watchmaker Nord, Östersund, Schweden über Kiel oder Dänemark for a parcel with value Fr. 230,25. Postage 3 C Tellknabe, 80 C Helvetia and 3 Fr Die Mythen cancelled GENEVE 1. VIII 24. Reverse transit cancel DEUTSCHE KARTIERUNGSSTELLE BASEL 2.8.24 and arrival cancel ÖSTERSUND 8.8.24. Sender Manufacture d´Horlogerie LUOR GENEVE. Fine item for the advanced watch motive collector.
Michel 142+

Schweiz, Brev
1924. HELVETIA. Interesting Bulletin d´ expedition (Begleitadresse - Parcelcard) (folds, tear) to watchmaker Gustafsson, Östersund, Schweden via Deutschland directement for a parcel with value Fr. 88. Postage pair 1 Fr and 40 C Helvetia cancelled CHAUX-DE-FONDS EXP. MESS 29. IX 24. Sender SEAL JCR. Transit cancel TRÄLLEBORG 5.12.24.
Michel 109+

Schweiz, Brev
1924. HELVETIA. Interesting Bulletin d´ expedition (Begleitadresse - Parcelcard) (folds) to Östersund, Schweden for a parcel with value Fr. 180,20 Gold. Postage 3 ex 1 Fr and 80 C Helvetia and reverse 5 C Tellknabe cancelled BERN MARZILI 11.IV.24. Transit cancel TRÄLLEBORG 16.4.24. Reverse arrival cancel ÖSTERSUND 18.4.24.
Michel 109+

Sverige, Michel P. 1B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 1 öre black. LUXUS cancel RIALA 26 2 1890. Very unusual in this quality.
Scott J 12
Afa P 1B

Sverige, Michel P. 3B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 5 öre brown. LUXUS cancel RIALA 26 2 1890. Very unusual in this quality.
Scott J 14
Afa P 3B

Sverige, Michel P. 3B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 5 öre brown. VERY FINE cancel RIALA 26 2 1890.
Scott J 14
Afa P 3B

Sverige, Michel P. 3B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 5 öre brown. LUXUS cancel RIALA 26 2 1890. Very unusual in this quality.
Scott J 14
Afa P 3B

Sverige, Michel P. 7Ba, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 24 öre red lilac. VERY FINE cancel RIALA 26 2 1890. Very unusual in this quality.
Scott J 18
Afa P 7B

Sverige, Michel P. 9B, Stemplet
1877. SVERIGE. Postage Due. Lösen. Perf. 13. 50 öre yellow brown.. VERY FINE cancel RIALA 26 2 1890. Very unusual in this quality.
Scott J 21
Afa P 9B

Tyskland, Michel 70, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1905. DEUTSCHES REICH. EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL Offizielle Fest-Postkarte (Gewerbe-Ausstellung Tilsir 1905) with 10 Pf Germania DEUTSCHES REICH cancelled TILSIT 15.7.05 to Dösjöbro, Sweden . German postage due cancel T and 12½ c by pencil + Swedish postage due cancel Lösen 20 öre. Ship cancel SASSNITZ-TRELLEBORG 142 A 16.7.05 + arrival cancel DÖSJÖBRO 17 7 1905.

Tyskland, Michel 701, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1905. DEUTSCHES REICH. Postkarte (OFFENBACH A.M. Brücke) with 10 Pf Germania DEUTSCHES REICH cancelled OFFENBACH 14.5.05 to Sweden . German postage due cancel T and 12½ c by pencil + Swedish postage due cancel Lösen 20 öre. Arrival cancel STOCKHOLM 16.5.05.

Sverige, Postfrisk -MNH
2003. sverige. Postage Paid (Porto Betalt) 2003 issue set of two: Örskär Lighthouse by artist Bertil Kumlien and backsippa flower (common pasque flower; Pulsatilla vulgaris) by artist Waltraud Fais-Månsson. NORMAL PERFORATION. Never hinged.