1857 - Frimærker

Bulgarien, Michel 83+82, Brev
1912. BULGARIA. Cover to New York, USA with 15 St and 10 St Ferdinand I cancelled SOPHIA 16.II.1912. Sender THEODOR KABAKTCHIEFF, SOFIA.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1916. BULGARIA. Cover to Bierne, Suisse with 25 St Ferdinand I cancelled KESSAREVO 24 IV 16. K.u.K censor cancel. Reverse arrival cancel BIENNE 7.V.16.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1915. BULGARIA. Registered cover to USA with 25 St Ferdinand I. Reverse arrival cancel NEW YORK 6. 7. 1915.

Bulgarien, Michel 84, Brev
1914. BULGARIA. Cover to Constantinople with 25 St Ferdinand I cancelled SOPHIA 30. V. 914. Reverse arrival cancel CONSTANTINOPLE 14 JUIN 14 and transit cancel GALATA 14.VI. 14. .

Bulgarien, Michel 81+82, Brev
1917. BULGARIA. Cover to Pössnitz, Steiermark with 5 St and pair 10 St Ferdinand I cancelled STARA ZAGORA 28. IV. 1917. Censor cancel K. u. K Zensurstelle Wien ZENSURIERTI and censor label K.U.K. ZENSURSTELLE WIEN.

Bulgarien, Michel 1-4, Brev
1917. BULGARIA. OCCUPATION OF RUMANIA. Complete set with 4 stamps overprinted. Luxus cancelled BUCARESTI 21. XII. 917. on each stamp at the envelope.

Bulgarien, Michel 31, Brev
1895. BULGARIA. 5 St single on cover to Vienne, arrival cancel WIEN 9/1 66 BESTELT 23. 5. 95 reverse.

Bulgarien, Michel 114, Brev
1918. BULGARIA. Interesting censored envelope to Motala Verkstad in Sweden with 25 ST Infantery soldier. Censor label: CONTROLE POSTAL MILITAIRE and censor cancel CONTROLE Par l'AUTORITE MILITAIRE. Reverse arrival cancel MOTALA VERKSTAD 11 10 1918. Unusual destination.

Bulgarien, Brev
1916. BULGARIA. Interesting censored envelope to St. Pölten, Österreich with sender cancel K. u. K. Radiostation Brusarcl and cancelled SOPHIA 25.VIII. 916. Censor label and cancel reverse. Very unusual Radiostation.

Bulgarien, Michel 195, Brev
1926. BULGARIA. Interesting cover to Varna with 4-block 50 St Cathedral Sveta Nedelja after the attack with red special cancel and SOFIA 28.9.26. Arrival cancel VARNA 28. IX. 926 reverse.

Bulgarien, Michel 173+, Brev
1922. BULGARIA. Interesting cover to München, Deutschland with 2 L Kloster Rila and 4-stripe 25 St Boris III cancelled PLEVEN 21 IX 922. Sender: SOCIETE SOGLASIE BIBLIOTEQUE PUBLIQUE ET SALLE DE LECTURE A PLEVEN.

Bulgarien, Michel 205+, Brev
1929. BULGARIA. Small envelope to Chester, Pa, USA with 10 + 10 + 30 + 50 St liontype cancelled WIDEN.

Bulgarien, Michel 204+, Brev
1935. BULGARIA. Impressive franking on cover to Sweden with 23 ex 30 St + 10 St nLiontype cancelled LOVERTCH and in Sweden with box cancel TULLFRITT 8. NOV. 1935 Sth. 1. Ank. Tull. Very unusual.

Bulgarien, Michel 199, Brev
1930. BULGARIA. Pair coat of arms 6 LEVA on cover to St. Gallen, Schweiz.

Bulgarien, Michel 235, Brev
1936. BULGARIA. Printed matter (DRUCKSACHE) to Malmö, Schweden with 1 L air mail issue cancelled SOPHIA 17.II.36.

Bulgarien, Michel 350-353, Brev
1938. BULGARIA. 1, 2, 6 and 12 L air mail issue on registered envelope from SOFIA 28.XII.38 to Leipzig PAR AVION. Reverse arrival cancel LEIPZIG MESSESTADT 31.12.38.

Bulgarien, Michel 352+, Brev
1939. BULGARIA. 6 L air mail issue together with pair 10 St, 30 St and 50 St lion-issue on cover to Ollerup paa Fyn, Danmark cancelled SOFIA 22. XII. 39.

Bulgarien, Michel 237+, Brev
1935. BULGARIA. Pair 1, 2 ex 2, and 6 L air mail issue on PAR AVION envelope from SOFIA 23 X 35 to CSR. Arrival cancel KOPRIVNICE C.S.R. 26 X 5 reverse.

Bulgarien, Michel 238, Brev
1938. BULGARIA. 12 L air mail issue on PAR AVION envelope from SOFIA to Münden, DEUTSCHLAND.

Bulgarien, Michel 238, Brev
1936. BULGARIA. 12 L air mail issue on PAR AVION envelope from SOFIA to Praha. The PAR AVION vignette crossed over. Reverse 4 transit and arrival cancels including WIEN FLUGPOST 21 X 36 and PRAHA 22.X.36.

Bulgarien, Michel 313, Brev
1937. BULGARIA. 2 L Princess Marie Louise on cover cancelled 1. X. 937, which is 3 days before the official issue date 3.X.37. Reverse arrival cancel SOFIA 3 X 1937. Unusual.