Estland, Brev
1820. ENGLAND.Fine small cover dated London 21 March 1820 to Narva, several postal markings and cancels including HAMBURG 28. MARCH on front. Interesting contents and very fine quality.
England, Brev
1856. ENGLAND. Interesting fine small cover to Frederikshald, Norway via Ostend dated Manchester 25 April 1856. Written in English. Postal marking 9½ in orange-red and clear postmark MANCHESTER AP25 1856. Reverse 2 cancels from Hamburg: KDOPA HAMBURG 29 4 and the more unusual St. P. A. 28 Apr. 56. Very interesting cover.
England, Brev
1839. ENGLAND. Interesting old shipmail cover to Copenhagen, Denmark via Hamburg, by Hull Steamer dated Newcastle 11 JY 1839 and written in Danish. Reverse cancelled NEWCASTLE ON TYNE JY 11 1839 + two ship cancels HULL SHIPLETTER + ALTONA SCHIFFS-BRIEF. Beautiful cancels.
England, Brev
1856. ENGLAND. Interesting fine cover to Frederikshald, Norway via dated London 9 Feb 1856. Written in Danish. Postal marking 9½ in orange-red and clear postmark F.U. L.S. 9 FE 9 1856 + SVINESUND 18 2 in blue. Reverse 2 cancels from Hamburg: KDOPA HAMBURG 11 2 and the more unusual St. P. A. 11 Feb. 56. Very interesting cover.
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. ½ Schilling. Cut at right.
Michel 10
Danmark, Dokument
1813. HAMBURG. Pasport issued from the Ober-Polizei Commission in Hamburg 18. May 1813 for a 17 year old man (Heinreich Böhl) travelling from Hamburg to Kiel. Very interesting reading. Signed and with revenue print 4, S. from Hamburg.
Danmark, Dokument
1813. HAMBURG. Pasport issued from the Le Directeur general de Police du Gouvernement de Hambourg 7me Aug 1813. Very interesting and shows how complicated it must have been to travel as a merchant across Europe at that time.
Danmark, Dokument
1812. HAMBURG. Frederik VI. Vaccinations-Attest for a 7½ year old boy the 14 May 1812. Mit Ruhblattern eingeimpft worden. Interesting with a vaccine here more than 200 years before Covid.
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1864. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 2½ Schilling. Cancelled with numeral cancel 2. Beautiful stamp.
Michel 9
Tyske Stater, Brev
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen.__ 1 1/4 Schilling on small cover cancelled nummeral cancel 2 + St P. A. HAMBURG 28 2 and reverse 1 St. P. A. 28/2 + KIEL 28 2 65 in blue.
Michel 12
Danmark, Brev
1852. DANMARK. The introduction of postage stamps did not mean the end of letters unfranked with stamps. This letter was deposited in the Danish Post Office in the free city of Hamburg on 17.3.1852. Directed to Skielskjør in Denmark. The postage charge was 16 rbs (marked in red) and collected from the recepient. Cancelled KDOPA HAMBURG 17 3 in blue. Nice cover.
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1859. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. Ein Schilling. Beautiful stamp.
Michel 2
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1865. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 7 Schilling.
Michel 19
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 1 Schilling.
Michel 11
Danmark, Dokument
1855. DANMARK. Postkvittering (postal receipt) for two value parcels/letters to Hamburg and Haderslev from Overpostmesterembedets Pakkepostafdeling i Kjøbenhavn den 6. Januar 1855. Total postage 18 + 20 Skill + 6 skill according to Loven 11. Marts 1851 §6.
Tyske Stater, Uden gummi
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 1 1/4 Schilling. Fake?
Michel 12
Tyske Stater, Uden gummi
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 2½ Schilling. Fake?
Michel 14
Tyske Stater, Uden gummi
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 2½ Schilling. Fake?
Michel 14
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1866. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 1 1/4 Schilling. Fake?
Michel 20
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1866. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 1½ Schilling. Fake?
Michel 21
Tyske Stater, Stemplet
1864-1867. HAMBURG. Stadtwappen. 1 1/4 Schilling. Cut. Fake?
Michel 12b