
DDR, Michel 916, Brev
1962. DDR. Interesting Drucksache envelope with 5 Pf Friedrich List cancelled HELLINGEN 7.10.62. Cachet: I. Poststafette an der Staatsgrenze VATERLAND, FRIEDEN, SOZIALISMUS WIR SIEGEN Befördert mit Poststafette Hellingen 7. Oktober 1962. Historical envelope.

DDR, Michel 1052, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1964. DDR. Interesting Radio postcard as Drucksache to Umeå, Sweden with 10 Pf. Leipziger Herbstmesse cancelled BERLIN 24.9.64. The text note: Since 1945 the voice of peace can be heard from Broadcasting Hous in the GDR. Historical card.

DDR, Michel 2581, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1981. DDR. Chess postcard to Sweden with 20 Pf. Nationale Volksarmee with slogan cancel ALLES ZUM WOHLE DES VOLKES 24.3.81. An impressive promise from the past. Histroical,

Tyskland, Michel 256-259+, Brev
1950. DDR. Very fin registered cover MIT LUFTPOST to Sweden with complete set Johann Sebastian Bach, 1 DM Pieck, DEBRIA and 24 Pf VOLKS WAHLEN cancelled BERLIN N 24.10.50. Unusual combination.

DDR, Michel 731, Brev
1960. DDR. Fine registered (Halberstadt 867b) envelope to Sweden with 5 values 10 years DDR cancelled HALBERSTADT 4.1.60.

DDR, Michel 816, Brev
1965. DDR. Registered (Leipzig 027 R 0747) envelope (tear) to Sweden with 3 ex 25 Pf Oberharz cancelled LEIPZIG 12.1.65.

DDR, Michel 798, Brev
1961. DDR. 25 Pf HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITÄT single on envelope to Umeå, Sweden cancelled 27.11.61.

DDR, Michel 1131, Brev
1965. DDR. 2 ex 15 Pf LEIPZIGE MESSE MUSIC INSTRUMENTS on LUFTPOST cover to Sweden cancelled POTSDAM 7.9.65.

DDR, Michel 939-940, Brev
1963. DDR. Complete set Pierre de Coubertin, olympics motive on fine envelope to Sweden cancelled GÖSSNITZ 11.1.63.

DDR, Michel 1192+, Brev
1966. DDR. 50, 40 and 25 Pf Internationale Gartenbauausstellung Erfurt with flower motives on fine envelope to Sweden cancelled GÖSSNITZ 12.7.66.

DDR, Michel 952-955, Brev
1963. DDR. Complete set famous germans on fine envelope to Sweden cancelled GÖSSNITZ 17.4.63.

Tyskland, Michel 319+, Brev
1952. DDR. 2 ex 24 Pf TAG DER BRIEFMARKE + 24 Pf UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG and 5 Pf Pieck on envelope to Sweden cancelled SCHWERIN (MECKL) 5.1.52 Nachträglich entwertet. Reverse arrival cancel JÖNKÖPING 11.11.52.

DDR, Michel 3345+, Brev
1990. DDR. Historical envelope to Sweden with stamps from DDR, Berlin and Bundesrepublik cancelled FINSTERWALDE 02.10.90 the last day DDR existed.

Tyskland, Michel 349, Stemplet
1953. DDR. 24 Pf Karl Marx Randstück mit Druckereizeichen: 1 WEB Graphische Werkst. Folds.

Tyskland, Michel 252, Stemplet
1951. DDR. Wilhelm Pieck 24 Pf with luxus cancel DRESDEN 21.4.51.

DDR, Michel 2019-2021, Postfrisk -MNH
1975. DDR. Internationales Jahr der Frau in complete set. Never hinged.

DDR, Michel 2013-2018, Postfrisk -MNH
1975. DDR. 450. Jahrestag des Deutschen Bauernkrieges in complete set in sheet. Never hinged.

DDR, Michel 2023-2024, Postfrisk -MNH
1975. DDR. Leipziger Frühjahrsmesse in complete set. Never hinged.

DDR, Michel 2025-2029, Postfrisk -MNH
1975. DDR. Bedeutende Persönlichkeiten in complete set. Never hinged.

Tyskland, Michel Block 8+9 A, Postfrisk -MNH
1950. DDR. Blockausgabe: Karl-Marx-Jahr. 2 perforated blocks, never hinged.

Tyskland, Michel Block 8+9 B, Postfrisk -MNH
1950. DDR. Blockausgabe: Karl-Marx-Jahr. 2 imperforated blocks, never hinged.