
Danmark, Michel H-Blatt 13, Brev
1942. DANMARK. Interesting censored envelope to Braunschweig with 4-block from booklet with pair10+5 Øre Alexandrine and pair 10 Øre cancelled with special cancel RINGSTED FRIMÆRKEUDSTILLINGEN 1. MARTS 1942. German censor tape Geöffnet Oberkommando der Wehrmacht f and red censor cancel Geprüft Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1925. DANMARK. BREVKORT 25 ØRE Christian X with print number 75-0. Fine card to Hamburg, Germany cancelled with slogan cancel KØBENHAVN 4 II 1925 KØBESTÆVNET 14/2 - 1/3 1925 KØBENHAVN.

Færøerne, Stemplet
1895. DANMARK. 8 ØRE KORRESPONDANCE-KORT with lapidar cancel THORSHAVN 1 10 Very unusual cancel on unused card, post cancelled on order?

Danmark, Michel 127, Klip
1931. DANMARK. Christian X. 60 ØRE 10 stamps on small piece cancelled K 2 and KJØBENHAVN 6.12.26. Unusual unit with this cancel.

Danmark, MICHEL V. 15+, Klip
ULSTRUP on small cut with 4 stamps including 10 ØRE GEBYR.

Danmark, Stemplet
1890. DANMARK 4 øre with star cancel SNEKKERSTEN. Beautiful cancel.
Michel 23

Danmark, Stemplet
1875-1903. Bi-coloured. 8 Øre with nummeral cancel 204 Jydske jernbaner Pk.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1924. DANMARK. 15 ØRE TJENESTEBREVKORT print 61-Kl. to Vejle Amts Folkeblad cancelled with starcancel BREDSTEN. Sender NÖRUP PRÆSTEEMBEDE. Very late use of this card, dated 24.3.24 a week before the use of these cards stopped.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1923. DANMARK. 15 ØRE TJENESTEBREVKORT print 61-Kl. to Vejle Amts Folkeblad cancelled with starcancel BREDSTEN.+ VEJLE 12.12.23. Sender NÖRUP PRÆSTEEMBEDE.

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1923. DANMARK. 15 ØRE TJENESTEBREVKORT print 61-Kl. (fold) to Ringköbing Amts Dagblad cancelled with starcancel HOUEN.+ TARM 11.6.23. Sender J. L. Maulund, Sognepræst til Houen - Liderhede Hoven Præstegård pr. Tarm St. .

Danmark, Stemplet helsag
1924. DANMARK. 5 ØRE + 10 ØRE TJENESTEBREVKORT print 53--W. to Ringköbing Amts Dagblad cancelled with starcancel HOUEN. + TARM 11.11.22 Sender Sognepræst.

Danmark, Michel 27 I Y B b, Stemplet
1895. DANMARK. 16 Øre perf. 12 3/4 normal frame. Fine cancel K 3.

Danmark, Michel 202, Brev
1938. DANMARK 15 ØRE on cover cancelled HENNE STRAND + side cancel HENNE 8.6.38.

Danmark, Brev
1862. DANMARK Beautiful 4 skilling on envelope to Glückstadt cancelled with nummeral cancel 10 + BURG 5 12 1862. Reverse bluish arrival cancel GLÜCKSTADT 5 12 1862 and Elmsh-Itzeh.Ebn.Post.Bur 6 12 1862 and small bluish lapidar cancel Holst.Eb.P.Sp.B 6 12. Very beautiful sender seal from Kirchen Siegel zu Burg auf Fehmern. Long original letter inside. Historical document in beautiful quality.

Danmark, Brev
1859. DANMARK 4 skilling on small envelope to Westerland, Sylt cancelled with nummeral cancel 85 + HØJER 10 9 1859. Unusual cancels and destination. Original letter included.

Danmark, Brev
1854. DANMARK 4 skilling on fine small envelope to Flensburg cancelled with nummeral cancel 71 and SØNDERBORG 8 11 1855. Beautiful sharp postmarks. Unusual in this condition.

Danmark, Brev
1857. DANMARK 4 skilling (5th print, Plate V) on fine small envelope to Schleswig with nummeral cancel 105 and Antiqua circle date cancel NORDBORG 24.8.1857. A rare cover in very fine condition. The stamp has very fine/extreme margins. Certificate Møller.

Danmark, Brev
1857. DANMARK 4 skilling (4th print) with very wide margins on wonderful small size envelope to Malente with nummeral cancel 145 and Antiqua circle date cancel SCHWARTAU 8 10 1857. Scarce and superb with very sharp postmarks. Signed Møller.