Præfil og tjeneste

Slesvig, Brev
1862. SLESVIG. Very beautiful official envelope (Tjenestebrev med attest) to Chr. Albrechts Kog cancelled in blue TØNDER 11 5 and reverse LÆK 12 5.

Danmark, Brev
1857. DANMARK. Official. Fine official cover to Det Kongelige Geheimeraad i Kjøbenhavn cancelled SVANEKE 6 1 1857 and marked KT. Interesting cover from Bornholm.

Danmark, Brev
1861. DANMARK. Official. Very beautiful small official cover to Pastor Mossin, Aakirkeby cancelled SVANEKE 26 2 and marked Fattigsag med A. Original letter included and dated Østermarie Præstegaard 22.2.1861. Reverse arrival cancel AAKIRKEBY 27 2. Interesting cover used internal on Bornholm.

Slesvig, Brev
1851. SLESVIG. CHRISTIANSFELDT 2 1 1851. on fine small cover to Fraulain Brunehild Steen Att.Baron Hobe, Gelting bei Flensburg. Postal markings 2 and 3. Original letter included and interesting to read. The sender is at the Erziehungsanstalt in Christiansfelde. Rare cancel and cover in this fine quality.

Danmark, Brev
1852. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVN 23 1 1852 on official cover to Ousted og Allersløv ? Sogneråd pr. Roeskilde. Sender seal KIÖBENHAVNS FATTIGVÆSEN. Interesting content re Angelica Helena.

Danmark, Brev
1866. DANMARK. KJØBENHAVN 10 11 + SLAGELSE 11 11 on official cover to Ousted og Allersløv ? Sogneråd pr. Roeskilde. Sender seal KIÖBENHAVNS FATTIGVÆSEN. Interesting content re a payment on 8 Rdlr. 48 Sk to Magistratens 3die Afdeling. Postage marking 6 in brown-red.

Slesvig, Dokument
1853. DANMARK. Bekjendtgjørelse for Hertugdømmet Slesvig, angaaende Postforholdet til de øvrige Landsdele Kjøbenhavn, den 22 Juni 1853. Very interesting document regarding the regulationf of postal activities between Slesvig and other parts of Denmark. It describes the calculation of the Postal rates and especially the Royal decision to allow unified postal rates. Interesting reading and a good start for a postal history collection.

Danmark, Brev
1851. DANMARK. KIØBENHAVN 1 10 1851 on cover (tear) to Mandal, Norge. Interesting cover.

Danmark, Brev
1855. DANMARK. KIØBENHAVN KB 1855 on cover (tear) to Mandal, Norge. Interesting cover. Transit cancel in greenblue SVINESUND 16 4 1855.

Danmark, Brev
1846. DANMARK. KIØBENHAVN 24 12 1846 reverse on cover (fold) to Arndal, Norge. Interesting cover. Cancelled christmas day.

Danmark, Brev
1862. DANMARK. KIØBENHAVN 17 3 on cover to Mandal, Norge. Interesting cover and marking in blue. . Transit cancel in black SVINESUND 21 3 1862.

Danmark, Brev
1861. DANMARK. Korsør Jernb. Postexpd 24 3 1861 on cover to Mandal, Norge. Interesting cover dated in Nyborg 21 Marts 1861. Transit cancel in black SVINESUND 25 3 1861. Marking 15 in orange.

Danmark, Brev
1839. DANMARK. KIØBENHAVN 13 12 1839 reverse on cover to Mandal, Norge. Interesting cover.

Danmark, Michel 16IAb, Stemplet
1871. Bi-coloured Skilling. 2 Skilling Prussian blue/grey. Perf. 14x13½. Normal frame beautiful pair on nice cover to Holbæk from NYKJØBING SJÆLL. 16 9. Arrival cancel HOLBÆK reverse. Should it have been franked with official stamps?
Scott 16 (AFA 16b)
Afa 16b

Danmark, Brev
1869. DANMARK. Beautiful official letter from Skagen to Kjøbenhavn cancelled SKAGEN 27 1 1869. KT indicate that it is an official letter and carried without charge. Therefore, there is only the town postmark SKAGEN and no numeral cancel 106.

Danmark, Brev
18??. DANMARK. Interesting official letter from Frederikshavn to Skagen sent by Courier. Forerunner - Royal Estafette Letter to Skagen.

Danmark, Brev
1780. DANMARK. Interesting old cover to Ferslew udi Skagen marked Kongl. Tjeneste. Additional note made 15 August 1782 on reverse. Unusual early cover to Skagen.

Danmark, Brev
1852. DANMARK. The introduction of postage stamps did not mean the end of letters unfranked with stamps. This letter was deposited in the Danish Post Office in the free city of Hamburg on 17.3.1852. Directed to Skielskjør in Denmark. The postage charge was 16 rbs (marked in red) and collected from the recepient. Cancelled KDOPA HAMBURG 17 3 in blue. Nice cover.

Schweiz, Brev
1945. HELVETIA. Historical persons 50 C. on cover cancelled FRIBOURG 19. II. 45 Á S.A. madame la Princesse Aage Gule Palais Copenhague, Denmark. Interesting royal letter. Censor cancel Ad.
Michel 377

Slesvig, Brev
1835. DANMARK. TTR4 + DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG + ALLEMAGNE P. GIVET to Bordeaux from Copenhagen. Postage marking 19. Nice cover.