Liechtenstein, Michel Dienst 45-52+, Brev
1968. LIECHTENSTEIN. FDC DIENSTMARKEN with 10 stamps cancelled VADUZ 29.AUG.1968.

Liechtenstein, Michel Dienst 45-56, Brev
1968. LIECHTENSTEIN. FDC DIENSTMARKEN on two covers with in total 12 stamps cancelled VADUZ 29.AUG.1968.

Michel 1089-1092, Brev
1994. LIECHTENSTEIN. Wine production in the four seasons on beautiful FDC cancelled VADUZ 5. SEPTEMBER 1994.

Liechtenstein, Michel AU 12-23, Brev
2003. LIECHTENSTEIN. AUTOMATMARKEN SLOTMASCHINE STAMPS in complete set with 12 fine covers cancelled in the different cities 2.6.03.

Liechtenstein, Michel 301-303, Brev
1951. LIECHTENSTEIN. Paintings. complete set + extra 10+10 Rp on FDC VADUZ 24. VII. 51 registered to Sweden.

Liechtenstein, Michel Block 3, Brev
1938. LIECHTENSTEIN. Josef Rheinberger 50 Rp. in 4block in block from DRITTE LIECHTENSTEINISCHE BRIEFMARKEN-AUSSTELLUNG on FDC to Kayl, Luxemburg cancelled first day of issue VADUZ 30.VII. 38. Reverse transit and arrival cancels LUXEMBOURG VILL 1.8.38 + KAYL 1.8.38.

Liechtenstein, Michel 249-251, Brev
1946. LIECHTENSTEIN. Hunting in complete set with 3 stamps on FDC to LECCO, italy cancelled first day of issue VADUZ 15.X.47. Reverse arrival cancel LECCO POSTE COMO 17.10.47. Beautiful set.

Liechtenstein, Michel 322-325, Brev
1954. LIECHTENSTEIN. SPORT. complete set with 4 stamps Football on FDC VADUZ 18. V. 54 registered to USA.

Liechtenstein, Michel 342-345, Brev
1956. LIECHTENSTEIN. SPORT. complete set with 4 stamps on FDC VADUZ 21. VI. 56 registered to USA. Transit and arrival cancels reverse.

Liechtenstein, Michel 353-356, Brev
1957. LIECHTENSTEIN. SPORT. complete set with 4 stamps on FDC VADUZ 14. V. 57 registered to Schweiz. Arrival cancel SCHAFFHAUSEN 17.V.57. reverse.

Liechtenstein, Michel 353-356, Brev
1957. LIECHTENSTEIN. SPORT. complete set with 4 stamps on FDC VADUZ 14. V. 57 registered to Schweiz.

Liechtenstein, Michel 365-368, Brev
1958. LIECHTENSTEIN. SPORT. complete set with 4 stamps on FDC VADUZ 18. III. 58. Including 90 Rp biking top value.

Liechtenstein, Michel 371-373, Brev
1958. LIECHTENSTEIN. Nature tree. complete set with 3 stamps on FDC VADUZ 12. VII. 58. registered to USA. Arrival and transit cancels reverse.

Liechtenstein, Michel 398, Brev
1960. LIECHTENSTEIN . 50 Rp EUROPA CEPT-issue on fine FDC cancelled VADUZ 19.IX.60

Liechtenstein, Michel 411-413, Brev
1961. LIECHTENSTEIN . 5Complete set country-motives on fine FDC cancelled VADUZ 3. OKTOBER 1961.

Liechtenstein, Michel 398+, Brev
1960. LIECHTENSTEIN . 50 Rp EUROPA CEPT-issue and complete set nature on unusual FDC cancelled VADUZ 19.IX.60 sent registered and VIA AIRMAIL to Germany. Very unusual combination.

Liechtenstein, Michel 406-410, Brev
1961. LIECHTENSTEIN . Minnesänger complete set on FDC VADUZ 30.5.1961.

Liechtenstein, Michel 404-405, Brev
1961. LIECHTENSTEIN . Landscapes complete set on FDC VADUZ 30.5.1961.

Liechtenstein, Michel 411-413, Brev
1961. LIECHTENSTEIN . Country life complete set on FDC VADUZ 3. OKTOBER 1961.

Liechtenstein, Michel 391-394, Brev
1960. LIECHTENSTEIN . FLUGPOST. 30 + 40 + 50 + 75 Rp. FDC VADUZ -7.IV. 59.

Liechtenstein, Michel 614, Brev
1974. LIECHTENSTEIN. Fürstenpaar 10 Fr. FDC VADUZ 5.SEPT. 1974.