
Litauen, Michel 118-120+, Brev
1922. LIETUVA. ORO PASTAS. 2 + 4 + 10 AUKS + 4 AUKS and 1, 3 and 5 AUKS overprinted ZENKLAS on beautiful fine registered Charge cover to Zürich, Schweiz. cancelled KAUNAS 26.VII.22. Very early use of these stamps that was issued 16.7 and 22.7. 1922, so only 4 days after the stamps was issued. Reverse German cancel in red Mit Luftpost befördert Briefpost .. + transit cancel BERLIN LUFTPOST 29.7.22 and at arrival ZÜRICK 31.VII.22. Very unusual.

Litauen, Michel 63B+, Brev
1921. LIETUVA. 30 + 50 + 60 SKAT perforated and 20 SKATIKU imperforated on registered cover to Spain cancelled TELSIA 28 I 21. Very unusual destination. Sender cancel reverse: B. ZIENKOWICZ TELSCHE.

Litauen, Michel 95+, Brev
1921. LIETUVA. 20 SK + pair 40 SK + 1 AUK + 2 AUK Kestutis on registered cover to Zollikon, Schweiz cancelled KAUNAS 30 IX 1921 and reverse at arrival ZOLLIKON 4.X.21. Unusual destination.

Litauen, Michel 297+, Stemplet helsag
1930. LIETUVA. Vytautas. 15 C and pair 3 CENTAI as additiona franking on 15 CENTU ATVIRUKAS CARTE POSTALE to Schweiz cancelled PANEVEZYS 16. IX. 31. Unusual destination and cancel.

Litauen, Michel 121-123+, Brev
1922. LIETUVA. ORO PASTAS. 2 + 4 + 10 AUKS + 4 AUKS on beautiful small air mail cover to Rössel, Ostpr. cancelled KAUNAS 26 XI 22 + German cancel in red Mit Luftpost befördert Königsberg (Pr.) 1. Very unusual.

Litauen, Michel 410, Stemplet
1937. LIETUVA Antanas Smetona 20 C. LUXUS cancelled SILUTE 23 XII 36.

Litauen, Michel 161, Stemplet
1922. LIETUVA. Surcharges. 3 CENT on 40 SK. Very misplaced overprint.

Litauen, Michel 158, Stemplet
1922. LIETUVA. Surcharges. 3 CENT on 15 SK. Very misplaced overprint.

Litauen, Michel 159, Hængslet - MH
1922. LIETUVA. Surcharges. 3 CENT on 20 SK. Hinged.

Litauen, Michel 161, Stemplet
1922. LIETUVA. Surcharges. 3 CENT on 40 SK. Very misplaced overprint. Extra large stamp.