Schweiz - HELVETIA
Udvalgte JF-items

Schweiz, Brev
1956. SCHWEIZ. Complete set Pro Patria with 5 stamps on registered envelope to Denmark cancelled INTERLAKEN 14.VI.56.
Michel 627-631

Schweiz, Brev
1956. SCHWEIZ. Complete set Pro Patria with 5 stamps on registered envelope to Denmark cancelled INTERLAKEN 14.VI.56.
Michel 627-631

Schweiz, Hængslet - MH

Schweiz, Stemplet
1874. SCHWEIZ. Sitzende Helvetia. 10 C. exceptional beautiful cancelled SCHARFFHAUSEN 4. VI. 74.
Michel 30

Schweiz, Stemplet
1940. HELVETIA - SCHWEIZ. PRO PATRIA 30+10 C luxus cancelled 30.V.40.
Michel 367

Schweiz, Stemplet
1941. SCHWEIZ. FLUGPOST 50 C fine cancel VERNIER 4. X. 43.
Michel 389

Schweiz, Stemplet
1941. SCHWEIZ. FLUGPOST 60 C fine cancel ZÜRICH 7. X. 44.
Michel 390

Schweiz, Stemplet
1941. SCHWEIZ. FLUGPOST 1 Fr fine cancel WINTERTHUR 4. III.43.
Michel 392

Schweiz, Stemplet
1941. SCHWEIZ. FLUGPOST 2 Fr fine cancel BASEL 2 XII 48.
Michel 393

Schweiz, Stemplet
1938. SCHWEIZ. 30 C overprinted SERVICE DE LA SOCIETE DES NATIONS cancelled for commercial use. Unusual.
Michel SDN 63

Schweiz, Stemplet
1938. SCHWEIZ. 30 C overprinted SERVICE DE LA SOCIETE DES NATIONS cancelled for commercial use. Unusual.
Michel SDN 63

Schweiz, Stemplet
1862 - 1881. SCHWEIZ. Sitzende Helvetia. Weisses Papier 20 C. beautifully cancelled LUZERN 21 IX 74.
Michel 24

USA, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1905. USA. 2 CENTS WASHINGTON on original handmade leather postcard (A little visit in the country Portland 1905) to Zürich, Switzerland cancelled PORTLAND JAN 10 1905 and postage due cancels: SUBJECT TO LETTER RATES + T CENTIMES 15 NY. Arrival cancel ZÜRICH 25.1.05 on 10 and 20 C. postage due stamps from Schweiz. Very unusual card and destination

USA, Brev
1931. USA. Rare TELEGRAMME VIA WESTERN UNION from NEW YORK with the text: YOUR WIFE AND MOTHER WORRIED BECAUSE NO WORD FROM YOU SUGGEST CABLING. CRANDALL. Original destination Paris but readressed to THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. in Geneve, (Suisse.) Cancelled PARIS 20 X 1931 + MAIL DEPT 22. OCT. 1931. Postage due stamps 30 C in pair cancelled GENEVE 21.X.31. Very unusual telegramme and unusual postage due calculation.

Schweiz, Brev
1930. HELVETIA. Interesting small envelope Mit Luftpost to Albania with 2½ C Tellknabe and 25 C Luftpost with plane motive cancelled CHIASSO 9.III.30. Brindisi - Valona. Solo con posta aerea. Reverse arrival cancel VLONE POSTA AERORE 11 3. 30. Very unusual destination.
Michel 180+

Schweiz, Brev
1930. HELVETIA. Interesting small envelope Mit Luftpost to Albania with 10 C Wilhelm Tell and 40 C Luftpost with pilot motive cancelled CHIASSO 9.III.30. Brindisi - Valona - Argisorastro ? . Solo con posta aerea. Reverse transit cancel GJINDKASTER 11 - III - 30. Very unusual destination.
Michel 182+