Udvalgte JF-items

Serbien, Stemplet helsag
1907. SERBIA. Peter I. 10 Pa. POSTCARD to Eskilstuna, Sweden cancelled KRAGUJEVATZ 24.9.07 and at arrival in Sweden ESKILSTUNA 1 TUR 11.10.07. Very unusual destination.

Serbien, Stemplet postkort uden frimærke
1912. Serbia. POST CARD. Fine motive Greetings from the spa hotel in Ribarska Bagna a very small village in Serbia. Cancelled RIBARSKA BAGNA 30. VII. 12 + postage due cancel T. As of the 2011 census, it has a population of 189 inhabitants 100 years after the card was posted.

Serbien, Postfrisk -MNH
1914-1918. SERBIA. 1 WW seal. SERBIAN SOLDIER ON TOP OF HILL. Never hinged.

Serbien, Postfrisk -MNH
1914-1918. SERBIA. 1 WW seal. SERBIAN ARTELERY CANNON. Never hinged.

Serbien, Postfrisk -MNH
1914-1918. SERBIA. 1 WW seal. SERBIAN ARTELERY horses. Never hinged.

Serbien, Postfrisk -MNH

Schweiz, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1917. HELVETIA. Interesting censored CARTE POSTALE with 10 C Tell mit Armbrust to K. u. K. Militär General Gouvernment für Serbien cancelled GENEVE 26 III 1917. Red censor cancel. Unusual destination.
Michel 118

Østrig, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1917. ÖSTERREICH. Feld POSTKARTE: Die serbische Armee auf der Flucht - from the serie: OFFIZIELLE KARTE FÜR ROTES KREUZ, KRIEGSFÜRSORGEAMT, KRIEGSHILFSBÜRO Nr. 346 with 2 ex 5 HELLER cancelled WIEN 17. III. 17 and cancelled with red censor cancel ZENSURIERT Ku.K Zensurstelle 38 FELDKIRCH to Bern, Schweiz. Interesting card.

Tyskland, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1901. DEUTSCHES REICH. Very beautiful Postkarte with Die Serbischen Königspaare with 2 ex 5 Pg Germania Reichspost cancelled with train cancel BERLIN - STRALSUND ZUG 321 10.10.01 and transit shipmail SASSNITZ-TRELLEBORG 141 B 11.10.01 + STOCKHOLM 13.10.01. Historical card.

Danmark, Michel 63, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1912. DANMARK. Numeral. Pair 5 Øre dark green on postcard (Smierc gen. Sowinskiego...) cancelled with ship cancel Fra Bornholm + KJØBENHAVN 23.12.12. to Belgrad, Serbien. Very unusual destination
Scott 61
Afa 64

Serbien, Ustemplet helsag
1893-1894. SERBIEN. 4 CARTE POSTALE including 2 double cards.

Serbien, Klip
1913. Serbia. 5 + 2 ex 10 Ps Peter I on coverfront from American Consulate SANITARY REPORT cancelled BEOGRADE 11.9.13. Adressed To the Honorable, THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (For the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Bureau) WASHINGTON, D.C. USA. Interesting from the American Consulate Belgrade - Serbia.
Michel 98+

Serbien, Klip
1913. Serbia. 15 + 10 Ps Peter I on coverfront from American Consulate SANITARY REPORT cancelled BEOGRADE 28 MAY 1913. Adressed To the Honorable, THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (For the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Bureau) WASHINGTON, D.C. USA. Interesting from the American Consulate Belgrade - Serbia. NOTE THE SPELLING IN THE CANCEL : SERVIA.
Michel 99+

Jugoslavien, Michel 189, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1927. JUGOSLAVIJA. Postcard with 50 Pa Alexander cancelled BEOGRAD 1927. The card show 3 happy young boys/men. A card that make you smile.

Jugoslavien, Michel 189, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1927. JUGOSLAVIJA. Postcard with 0,75 Din König Peter II cancelled 15.XII. 36. The card show a beautiful woman punishing a man. Unusual motive.