
Serbien, Klip
1913. Serbia. 5 + 2 ex 10 Ps Peter I on coverfront from American Consulate SANITARY REPORT cancelled BEOGRADE 11.9.13. Adressed To the Honorable, THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (For the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Bureau) WASHINGTON, D.C. USA. Interesting from the American Consulate Belgrade - Serbia.
Michel 98+

Serbien, Klip
1913. Serbia. 15 + 10 Ps Peter I on coverfront from American Consulate SANITARY REPORT cancelled BEOGRADE 28 MAY 1913. Adressed To the Honorable, THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY (For the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Bureau) WASHINGTON, D.C. USA. Interesting from the American Consulate Belgrade - Serbia. NOTE THE SPELLING IN THE CANCEL : SERVIA.
Michel 99+

Serbien, Stemplet, Hængslet - MH
1904. Serbia. Complete set with 8 stamps - one stamp hinged.
Michel 76-83