
South West Africa, Michel 116-117, Postfrisk -MNH
1927. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Beautiful never hinged 4-block 2 d SOUTH AFRICA/SUIDAFRIKA overprinted S.W.A.

South West Africa, Michel 118-119, Postfrisk -MNH, Hængslet - MH
1927. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. fINE PAIR 3 d SOUTH AFRICA/SUIDAFRIKA overprinted S.W.A. One stamp never hinged, one hinged.

South West Africa, Michel 472-475, Brev
1980. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Nature protection complete set on FDC

South West Africa, MICHEL 466-471, Brev
1980. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Whales in complete set on FDC. The seas must live.

South West Africa, MICHEL Block 5, Postfrisk -MNH
1980. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Whales in block. Never hinged.

South West Africa, MICHEL Block 5, Stemplet
1980. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Whales in block.

South West Africa, Michel 470+, Brev
1992. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Very interesting registered AIRMAIL cover to Hamburg, Germany with 4 + 15 c and 20 c whales and reverse 4 stamps from Namibia with mineral theme including Uranium, Tin, Gypsom all cancelled WINDHOEK 21. VIII 92. Unusual combination.

South West Africa, Michel 471+, Brev
1992. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Very interesting registered AIRMAIL cover to Hamburg, Germany with 5 + 10 c and 25 c whales and reverse 3 stamps from Namibia with mineral theme including Uranium, Tin, Dioptase all cancelled WINDHOEK 21. VIII 92. Unusual combination.

South West Africa, MICHEL 516-519, Brev
1982. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Tortoises in complete set on FDC.

South West Africa, MICHEL 520-523, Brev
1982. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. BARTOLOMEU DIAS in complete set on FDC.

South West Africa, MICHEL 524-527, Brev
1982. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. MOUNTAINS in complete set on FDC.

South West Africa, MICHEL 524-527, Brev
1982. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. MOUNTAINS in complete set on cover to Germany.

South West Africa, MICHEL 528-531, Brev
1982. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Womens head pieces in complete set on FDC.

South West Africa, Michel 197+, Klip
1937. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Large piece of cover with 8 stamps Georg VI coronation SUIDWES AFRIKA all cancelled first day of issue LUDERITZ 12 MAY 37. Unusual cancel on this issue.

South West Africa, Michel 182-197, Brev
1937. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set with 16 stamps Georg VI coronation in pairs on two small FDC (one with small tear) all cancelled first day of issue SWAKOPMUND 12 MAY 37. Beautiful engraved stamps.

South West Africa, Michel 252-257, Brev
1947. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set with the royal family Georg VI in pairs on small Registered FDC cancelled MARIENTAL 17 II 47. Unusual cancel.

South West Africa, Michel 155+, Brev
1949. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Interesting Air Mail envelope sent registered to Hamburg with 2 d Bogenfels Lüderitzbucht, 6 d Lüderitzbucht, 1/3 Elanantilope and Voortrekker set all cancelled WINGHOEK 12 XII 49 and reverse with arrival cancel HAMBURG 20.12.49.

South West Africa, Michel 269-273, Brev
1952. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set Jan van Riebeeck overprinted SWA on Registered FDC cancelled WINDHOEK 14 II 52 first day of issue. Sent to Madrid, Spain, unusual destination. Reverse transit and arrival cancel MADRID 22 MAR 52.

South West Africa, Michel 269-273, Brev
1952. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set Jan van Riebeeck overprinted SWA on beautiful Registered cover with cachet Van Riebeeck Festival cancelled VAN RIEBEECK 6 4 52 with special cancel.

South West Africa, Michel 269-273, Brev
1952. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set Jan van Riebeeck overprinted SWA on cover with cachet SOUTH WEST AFRICA 1652 1952 cancelled OMARURU SWA 18 III 52. Unusual cancel.

South West Africa, Michel 274-278, Brev
1953. SOUTH WEST AFRICA. Complete set Elizabeth Coronation on Registered FDC cancelled WINDHOEK 2 VI 53 first day of issue. Sent to Madrid, Spain, unusual destination. Reverse transit and arrival cancel MADRID 30 JUN 53.