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Swaziland, Michel Porto 3 I, Postfrisk -MNH
1961. SWAZILAND. Postage due 2 c surcharge (large type) on Elizabeth 2 d SWAZI MARRIED WOMAN in NEVER hinged 4 BLOCK WITH PRINT IN MARGIN.

Swaziland, Michel Porto 3 I, Postfrisk -MNH
1961. SWAZILAND. Postage due 2 c surcharge (large type) on Elizabeth 2 d SWAZI MARRIED WOMAN in NEVER hinged 4 BLOCK WITH PRINT IN MARGIN.

Swaziland, Michel Porto 3 I, Stemplet
1961. SWAZILAND. Postage due 2 c surcharge (large type) on Elizabeth 2 d SWAZI MARRIED WOMAN..

Swaziland, Michel Porto 10-12, Postfrisk -MNH
1971. SWAZILAND. Postage due 1, 2 and 5 CENTS NEVER hinged.

Swaziland, Michel Porto 1-2, Hængslet - MH
1933. SWAZILAND. Postage due 1 and 2 d hinged.

Swaziland, Michel Porto 10+9, Brev
1972. SWAZILAND. Postage due 1 + 5 CENTS on envelope cancelled BUMISA SWAZILAND 9 II 72 + postage due cancel T. Unusual.

Swaziland, MICHEL 470 I C, Brev
1985. SWAZILAND. 10 C on 4 C withOUT year and perf 12 1/4 on cover cancelled HLATIKULU 9 IX 85 and postage due cancel T 20 c. Unusual.

Swaziland, Brev
1976. SWAZILAND. Postage due 10/10 C on cover to RSA. cancelled SITHOBELE SWAZILAND 1 VII 76.

Swaziland, Michel Porto 10+12, Brev
1974. SWAZILAND. Postage due 1 + 5 CENTS on envelope from EIRE 17 12 74 PAR AVION. Unusual. .

Swaziland, Michel Porto 11-12, Brev
1972. SWAZILAND. Postage due 2 + 5 CENTS on small unadressed envelope.