Foto & kameraer
Indien, Stemplet helsag
1891. INDIA. ONE AND HALF ANNA POSTCARD Victoria to New York cancelled BOMBAY OC 31 91 + SEA POST OFFICE 31 OC 91. Transit LONDON T and at arrival NEW YORK NOV 25 PAID F ALL. Receiver Eastman Company and the sender order a copy of Through Europe with a Kodak. Very early PHOTO-historical card.
The SEA POST OFFICE cancel is with a Fleuron Bombay-Aden Marine sorter marking unlisted by Renouf. At this time (1905), the Marine Sorter program was starting to outlive its usefulness because the volume of overseas mail had increased to a pointnwhere the sorters were unable to complete the job before docking. This caused pile-ups in the Bombay G.P.O. and led to the construction of new Bombay facilities in 1908.