1875 - 1885. Våbentype. Værdiangivelse i 4 hjørner

Finland, Michel 22, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 20 p. orange. With luxus cancel JAKOBSTAD 30 3 1888 in bluish.
Scott 33
Afa 22

Finland, Michel 13 A, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 11. 5 PENNI yellow. Small tear.
Scott 18a

Finland, Michel 23, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 25 p. blue cancelled in Sweden STOCKHOLM K.E. 1887.
Scott 34
Afa 23

Finland, Michel 23, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 25 p. blue with luxus cancel KUOPIO 22 8 1887.
Scott 34
Afa 23

Finland, Michel 23, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 25 p. blue cancelled in Sweden STOCKHOLM K.E. 23 8 1887.
Scott 34
Afa 23

Finland, Michel 16 B, Stemplet
1875-1882. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 20 PENNI cancelled ANK 20 6.
Scott 28
Afa 16LB

Finland, Michel 16 B, Stemplet
1875-1882. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 20 PENNI cancelled in Sweden: STOCKHOLM K.E.
Scott 28
Afa 16LB

Finland, Michel 16 B, Stemplet
1875-1882. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 20 PENNI cancelled in Sweden: STOCKHOLM K.E.
Scott 28
Afa 16LB

Finland, Michel 22, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 20 p. orange. With fine small BOX CANCEL ank 28 9.
Scott 33
Afa 22

Finland, Michel 18 Ay, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 11. 32 PENNI small thin spot.
Scott 23
Afa 18Sa

Finland, Michel 17 A ya, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 11. 25 PENNI carmine.
Scott 22
Afa 17S

Finland, Michel 16 Ayb, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 11. 20 PENNI ultramarine.
Scott 21
Afa 16Sa

Finland, Michel 19 By, Stemplet
1875-1882. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 1 MARK violet. Beautiful centered and cancelled stamp: HELSINGFORS 2 1 84.
Scott 30
Afa 19LB

Finland, Michel 17 By, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 25 PENNI. Small tear.
Scott 29
Afa 17LB

Finland, Michel 16 By, Stemplet
1875-1882. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 20 PENNI.
Scott 28a
Afa 16LB

Finland, Michel 15 By, Stemplet
1883. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 10 PENNI brown. Fine figure cancel.
Scott 27
Afa 15LBa

Finland, Michel 13 B yb, Stemplet
1883. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 12½. 5 PENNI.
Afa 13LB

Finland, Michel 19 A y, Stemplet
1875-1882. Coat of Arms. Perf. L 11. 1 MARK violet. Cancelled HELSINGFORS 3 9 81.
Scott 24
Afa 19S

Finland, Michel 22, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 20 p. orange. With fine small single circle postmark JAMSA 10 3 188?.
Scott 33
Afa 22

Finland, Michel 22, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 20 p. orange. With fine small single circle postmark ST MICHEL 4 2 1885
Scott 33
Afa 22

Finland, Michel 22, Stemplet
1885. FINLAND. Coat of Arms. Perf. 12½. 20 p. orange. With fine small single circle postmark KIM? in blue
Scott 33
Afa 22