
Bolivia, Michel 478-491, Hængslet - MH
1951. BOLIVIA. SPORT. Complete set with 14 beautiful hinged stamps.

Bolivia, Michel 478-491, Postfrisk -MNH
1951. BOLIVIA. SPORT. Complete set with 14 beautiful never hinged stamps in pairs.

Bolivia, Michel 491, Postfrisk -MNH
1951. BOLIVIA. SPORT. Bs 5.00 SPORT AEREO ESTADIO LA PAZ never hinged.

Bolivia, Michel 478-484, Postfrisk -MNH
1951. BOLIVIA. SPORT. Short set with 7 beautiful never hinged stamps.

Bolivia, Michel 176, Postfrisk -MNH
1988. BOLIVIA. Olympics Seul and Barcelona. Block never hinged.

Chile, Brev
1936. CHILE. 20 c + 30 C + 3-stripe 1 PESO CORREO AEREO on interesting censored cover to Bolivia cancelled VALPARISIO 8 FEB 1936. Censor cancel CENSURA MILITAIR LA PAZ BOLIVIA 13 FEB 1936 reverse. Unusual censorship.
michel 208+

Bolivia, Michel 606, Postfrisk -MNH
1960. BOLIVIA. WORLD REFUGEE YEAR. Complete set with 10 stamps never hinged.

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 5 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery.
Michel 8

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 10 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery.
Michel 9

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 10 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery.
Michel 9

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 10 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery.
Michel 9

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 50 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery. Defective.
Michel 10

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 50 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery. Thin spots.
Michel 10

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 100 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery.
Michel 11

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 500 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery. Thin.
Michel 12

Bolivia, Stemplet
1868. BOLIVIA. 500 CENTAVOS Coat of Arms with 9 stars. Interesting old forgery. Thin.
Michel 12

Bolivia, Michel 63, Brev
1903. BOLIVIA. 20 C. on mourning cover to Hamburg transit cancel reverseBUENOS AIRES APR 5 1903.

Bolivia, Stemplet helsag
1891. STATIONARY 10 C + 5 C SANTA-CRUZ NOV 21 1891. to the Minister de la Austria-Hungria in Buenos Aires. INTERESTING PIECE OF HISTORY.