1857 - Frimærker

Peru, Postfrisk -MNH, Hængslet - MH
1897. PERU. Atahualpa UN and DOS CENTAVOS on small envelope to USA as printed matter (Impres0) cancelled LIMA 4 ENE 97. Readressed in USA and cancelled WAUWATOSA, JAN 25 97 and FORWARDED. Reverse 3 different cancels including arrival cancel LAKE MILLS WIS JAN 25. Very interesting contents: a small member card for Eduardo Polack, Miembro de la Sociedad, Internationaler Philatelisten Verein Dresden, Dated Lima, Enero 1o, de 1897. The card show a DIEZ CENTAVOS stamp with lama motive from the 1866issue. Historical document.
Michel 98, 100
Yvert 106a

Peru, Brev
1934. PERU. Small POR AVION PANAGRA envelope to Tacoma, Wash, USA with 2 ex 50 CENTAVOS Simon-Bolivar-monument in Lima cancelled LIMA 31 OCT 34. SERCICIO AEREO.
Michel 284

Peru, Brev
1947. PERU. Interesting cover BY AIRMAIL to Havana, Cuba with 15 CTS and Pair 25 CTS Tarma cancelled LIMA PERU ENE 1. Reverse arrival slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA COMPRE AZUCAR CUBANO Buy CUBAN SUGAR ENE 4 1947.

Peru, Brev
1946. PERU. Interesting cover (tear) BY AIRMAIL to Havana, Cuba with 5 CTS and pair 30 CTS BOCA TOMA cancelled LIMA PERU 13 NOV 46. Reverse arrival slogan cancel HABANA, CUBA COMPRE AZUCAR CUBANO Buy CUBAN SUGAR NOV 16 1946.

Peru, Brev
1902. PERU. VEINTIDOS CENTAVOS single on cover (folds) to USA cancelled CALLAO NOV 12 1902. Reverse arrival and transit cancels including NEW YORK DEC 16 PAID D ALL and ASHIPP... DEC 19 1902.
Michel 115

Peru, MICHEL 1173+, Brev
1980. PERU. Fine PAR AVION cover to Denmark with 20 + 30 + 50 S citizens rights and tasks beautifully cancelled CORREOS DEL PERU 31 10 1980.

Peru, Michel 488 + 481, Brev
1952. PERU. Fine AIRMAIL cover to Randers, Denmark with 80 CTS Bridge and 1 SOL TORIBIO DE LUZURIAGA cancelled PERU LIMA ENE 3.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, Michel 488+, Brev
1952. PERU. Fine AIRMAIL cover to Holland with 5 + 15 cts buildings and 5 CTS and S/.2 overprinted U. P. U. 1874-1949 cancelled PERU LIMA ENE 16 1952. Sender Legation de Hollande.

Peru, Michel 528+, Brev
1952. PERU. Fine AIRMAIL cover to Central Bureay van Genealogie, Holland with 4-stripe S/.1.00 FORTELEZA DE PARAMONGA RUINAS INCAICAS and S/.0.10 MATARANI cancelled PERU LIMA FEB 6 1952.

Peru, Michel 488+, Brev
1952. PERU. Fine AIRMAIL cover to Holland with pair 15 CTS overprinted HABILITADA S/. 0.10 and pair 1 SOL TORIBIO DE LUZURIAGA cancelled PERU LIMA MAY 7 1952. Sender Legation de Hollande.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.

Peru, MICHEL 608, Brev
1962. PERU. Fine FDC from the second pacifist conference with 1 SOL stamp on front cancelled first day of issue LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and reverse 3-stripe 1 SOL cancelled LIMA 1 FEV 1962 and american transit and arrival cancels. Interesting conference for peace.