Professioner & arbejde

Sovjetunionen, Michel 700-708, Stemplet
1939. SOVJET. Allunions exhibition for agriculture, Moskau in complete set with 10 stamps.

Sovjetunionen, Michel 1742+, Brev
1954. Sowjet. Fine PAR AVION envelope to Sweden with 1 RUB and 40 KOP agriculture with maschine motive fine cancelled MOSKVA 23.12.54.

Tyskland, Michel 693+, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1972. DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST. 52. DLG-AUSSTELLUNG. Internationale Landwirtschaftsschau. Official postcard with 3 stamps to Sweden.

Sovjetunionen, Stemplet helsag
1932. SOVJET. 10 KOP CARTE POSTALE with additional 5 KOP soldier to Oldenburg, Deutschland. Very interesting TRACTOR motive with text stating that tractors are the way ahead for the agriculture. Historical card.

DDR, Michel C 1-15, Postfrisk -MNH
1963. DIENSTMARKE. Laufkontrollzettel für Dienststellen der Deutschen Volkspolizei. Complete set with 15 stamps never hinged. Unusual offer.

New Zealand, MICHEL 14, Stemplet
1913. New Zealand. N.Z. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 1½ D Beautiful stamp with Lighthouses.

Liechtenstein, Michel 802-805 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1982. LIECHTENSTEIN Mensch und Arbeit: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Professions. Complete set (4 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

Liechtenstein, Michel 802-805 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1982. LIECHTENSTEIN Mensch und Arbeit: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Professions. Complete set (4 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

Liechtenstein, Michel 802-805 Bogen, Postfrisk -MNH
1982. LIECHTENSTEIN Mensch und Arbeit: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Professions. Complete set (4 stamps). Sheet (20 stamps EACH), never hinged.

Grønland, Michel 80 + 106, Postfrisk -MNH
1977. GRØNLAND. Dog sledge 90 Øre in pair together with 5 Øre Margrethe in 4stripe. DANSK REKLAMEHÆFTE. Advertisement AKTIV FORSIKRING. Private Stamp booklet produced by a stamp dealer when Denmark introduced their 2 KRONER BOOKLETS. Booklet number H7. Only 5000 issued.
Afa 116

Grønland, Michel 80 + 106, Postfrisk -MNH
1977. GRØNLAND. Dog sledge 90 Øre in pair together with 5 Øre Margrethe in 4stripe. DANSK REKLAMEHÆFTE. Advertisement AKTIV FORSIKRING. Private Stamp booklet produced by a stamp dealer when Denmark introduced their 2 KRONER BOOKLETS. Booklet number H7. Only 5000 issued.
Afa 116

Grønland, Michel 80 + 106, Postfrisk -MNH
1977. GRØNLAND. Dog sledge 90 Øre in pair together with 5 Øre Margrethe in 4stripe. DANSK REKLAMEHÆFTE. Advertisement AKTIV FORSIKRING. Private Stamp booklet produced by a stamp dealer when Denmark introduced their 2 KRONER BOOKLETS. Booklet number H7. Only 5000 issued.
Afa 116

Tyskland, Michel 47 II+, Brev
1948. DEUTSCHE POST. 12 PFENNIG with Bandaufdruck + 40 PFENNIG Netzaufdruck on fine envelope to Smålands Taberg, 205 in Sweden cancelled with slogan cancel Juli 1948 Feuerschutz Monat Helft verhüten NÜRNBERG .48.

Tyskland, Michel 136-137, Stemplet postkort med frimærke
1956. BERLIN. Complete set Deutscher Bundesrat in Berlin on fine postcard (München Ausstellungspark) to Sweden cancelled MÜNCHEN 8. DEUTSCHE HANDWERKSMESSE 27.4.56.

Tyskland, Michel 20, Klip
1940. BÖHMEN und MÄHREN Fine small card with 5 h with special cancel SCHLAN SLANY ERÖFFNUNG DES FEUERWEHRHAUSES 15. IX. 40. Interesting cancel re the opening of the firestation.

Finland, Stemplet helsag
1887. FINLAND. POSTKORT FRÅN FINLAND 10 PENNI 10 LUXUS cancelled FREDERIKSHAMN 27 9 87 to Kotka. The text reverse describe a fire in Frederikshamn and how it developed. A historical card.

Dominicana, Michel 506+, Brev
1962. REP. DOMINICANA. Small registered VIA AEREA to Randers, Denmark with 60 C MONUMENTO NACIONAL and 1 COLON paper industry. Sender: LA CASA DINAMARCA, San José, Costa Rica.

Nicaragua, Michel 1105+, Brev
1956. NICARAGUA. Beautiful small AIR MAIL envelope to USA with 3 stamps overprinted Conmemoración Exposición Nacional Febrero 4.-16.1956. Fine cachet with argrcultural motives.

Bulgarien, Michel 728, Stemplet
1950. BULGARIA. Tractor 4 L. with perfin PHP (Bulgarian General Bank). Unusual.

Liechtenstein, Stemplet helsag
1919. LIECHTENSTEIN. BRIEFKARTE 10 HELLER coat of arms cancelled TRIESEN 10. V. 19 to Zürich. The text reverse mention potatoes and onions.